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8 x Mr Olympia LeeHaney says 'no' to squats?

Own up dude you hate squatting cause that shit is hard. Is okay we aren't all cutout for hard work. If you look enough you'll find some expert who's opinion will be what you wanna hear. You wanna hear squats are dangerous so you can wimp out.
How To Get Stronger/Bigger/Better 101: Find the hardest thing to do and do it often. When it gets easy find something harder.
Own up dude you hate squatting cause that shit is hard. Is okay we aren't all cutout for hard work. If you look enough you'll find some expert who's opinion will be what you wanna hear. You wanna hear squats are dangerous so you can wimp out.

if, instead of just making poorly formed assumptions about me, you looked at the training log i started, or even THE FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD, you would have been able to deduce that I DO SQUAT. What part of trying to find a better way of doing something is a bad idea? I wish we all followed your mentality - that way we wouldn't have to worry about anything other then hunting and gathering.

but hey, we're not all cut out for using our brains
How would you go about making a full-body compound exercise that works more muscle groups than any other exercise, ever, better?

I read the entire thread bro you were looking for an expert to tell you squats aren't safe. Then you wanted everyone here to say Yo it's fine skip squats. Well it ISN'T sunshine

You admitted yourself you struggle with form. Get coaching or dial the weight back to just the bar and LEARN to squat. Its not a better way what you are talking about is the fucking EASY way, there is no easy way with weights. You gotta pick that shit up and put it down again.

$100 says I search your posts and your already asking questions about juice too.

Do the hard work reap the benefits, go ahead by all means skip squats but don't cry about having a shit physique.

SQUAT MORE it is the king of lifts
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At your level there is no need to find a better way to squat, you should learn to squat and then do it often. When you've developed some size and strength then you can decide whether you need to attack your leg development different.

Stop trying to invent the car before you've invented the wheel.

Couldn't have been put more simply.
Most of the blokes I know don't squat because it hurts, but nor do they listen when being instructed on how to. My first comment when being told was "you gotta be fucking kidding" Second comment was "you dont be standing behind me while I do this shit"
Now I appreciative If I have a spotter and look forward to the pain on recovery.
To me squats are fundamental as are deads and pullups.
Squats give you a buzz that most other exercises dont give.
Just be appreciative of those disabled toilet the next day hand rails can be your best friend.
It's the most written and talked about "exercise"!
Done properly...it's the most efficiant and effective body builder, done poorly the most efficiant and effective body wrecker.

Learn the squat, but learn to master it on your own terms, master it and it will become the key-stone to your workout.

You need to work out your own style and not let people tell you how to squat unless they have taught many with success and by success I mean no injury.
This is rare, so teach yourself.

The reason why this exercise is SO uncomfortable is purely because it is stimulating a LOT of muscle AND it's not just the muscle tissue that is under enormous stress but the whole endochrine system.

I've been consistantly squatting for roughly thirty years now, the one mistake I made early on was trying to train to become a draft horse and not knowing that I'm neither that or a racehorse.
It took a while to find my training style, the wrong type of work was causing too much soft tissue damage.

Interestingly, Squatting for thirty years doesn't make me an expert on teaching this exercise, all I can give people is what works for me.
It's one exercise I would not attempt to teach.
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Thought provoking much....
I went to a Lee Haney seminar in Sydney during early 1980s.

For all of the talk about advanced traning, he indicated trained almost same way as when he started, only weights got heavier over time (despite using good form).

As for leg development, squats are one good exercise with its many variations.
Epic thread. Kunce gonna kunce!
[MENTION=5361]Bench Polkov[/MENTION]; I'm giving up Squats too.

Me outta here!