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6 Weeks Buttocks blitzing for a Superb Derriere!

I see where you're coming from/getting at now. Thankyou for explaining. I don't foresee myself trying this out any time in the immediate future, simply because I'm quite happy with my proportions as is and I don't see any need for me to change my current program, however I may experiement with this down the line.

The reason why I interpreted "I want to shift the balance of strength from the gluteus and onto the quads" as meaning "the quads will be doing the work" is because a lot of my background is looking at exercise from a corrective/rehab POV, and generally speaking people without exquisite body awareness will simply defer the work on to whichever muscle is strongest in the moment, rather than burn out the weak muscle and stop while the weak muscle is still driving. I can see how this program would work if the participant focuses on glute drive and is very strict on using technique as a measure of when they've reached failure, however I can also see a lot of people being far too lazy with technique to benefit from pre-fatigued squats. Just my 2c.

Thank you for your input Ryan. I also see now where you're coming from and why you said what you did. Had I been looking at this from your point of view, I more than likely would have said the exact same thing. However looking at exercise from a corrective/rehab POV was not what I had in mind when I was writing the program.

So yes Sir, I think we both have something to offer the reader here and I'd like to thank you for putting forth a different point of view from mine.

It's always a pleasure sharing these discussions with you, Fadi. You're a fountain of information and I'm often learning new things from reading your posts.
I have plenty of ass to share. Started off with a big butt then started squatting lol