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6 Weeks Buttocks blitzing for a Superb Derriere!

Bella, no more questions for Rian please!

This is turning out to be what I did not expect!

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What do you think of something along the lines of what is over at t-nation?
T NATION | Dispelling the Glute Myth

I have used some of the techniques over there to pre activate/exhaust my glutes before squatting or deadlifting and feel that it assists in glute activation during the exercises.
I see no problem whatsoever with what is proposed on T-NATION Nev. However I have always liked the simplest way to achieving whatever it is I set to achieve. In other words, if it can be done in a simple way, then I won't be the one to complicate it.

I think what is written on T-NATION can be a step forward with possibly a much more advance exercises than I decided to share with the good people of Ausbb. For me however, the main thrust of my method was the approach applied in performing the workout much more so than the sophistication of the exercises involved.

I really think that it's great that you've decided to share the T-NATION link with us here and I thank you for it. Now everyone can try out those exercises that are shown over there and perhaps deduce from them what suites them best.

All I ask is that members look at the method behind my approach, and then feel free to apply to it any exercise that they feel would brutally isolate their gluteus maximus muscles before embarking onto a compound exercise.

All I ask is that members look at the method behind my approach, and then feel free to apply to it any exercise that they feel would brutally isolate their gluteus maximus muscles before embarking onto a compound exercise.

This is exactly what I took from your article and exactly what I have tried to do, with a variety of different exercises illustrated over at t-nation.

Thanks Fadi.
Happy to post...I figured out a way to take them...but it makes me look like a porn star.

On another note, my arse doesn't look that bad tbh lolol

Who knew?

Good for you for posting examples rino! (Fadi, cover your eyes)
Happy to post...I figured out a way to take them...but it makes me look like a porn star.

On another note, my arse doesn't look that bad tbh lolol

Who knew?

Good for you for posting examples rino! (Fadi, cover your eyes)

I'm curious as to what a porn star looks like Bella, some things are difficult to express in words therefore I believe that pics may be needed to clarify.
I'm curious as to what a porn star looks like Bella, some things are difficult to express in words therefore I believe that pics may be needed to clarify.

No no, I don't look like a porn star...but the pose I struck, in order to take a picture of my own arse...looks porn-star-ish (clarification necessary!!!)

gee, BB, is this my cue to rescue poor Fadi's excellent post on an effective approach to glute routines ???

sheesh ppl, get a room!!!
Fadi, could you please explain why you recommend pre-fatiguing the glutes before doing squats? I can see why doing some glute activation work without fatiguing the glutes prior to squats would be beneficial for building the glutes, and I can see why GVT on glute iso's would be good for glutes, but I can't see why pre-fatigued glutes before squats would be good for glutes. I would think that being pre-fatigued would just make the squats dodgier. And as you said in the original post, it's making the quads do the work -- wouldn't you want to be doing as much work as possible with the glutes while squatting rather than deferring the work on to the squats?

Actually, I wondered the same thing. Would be good to hear the rationale behind this. Thanks in advance, Fadi (hope you have a moment to do so)

Ryan, here is what I've said in the OP re this point:
Ryan, I re read what I wrote and nowhere did I find myself saying that the quads will do the work, hence I re posted what I wrote re this particular point above. What I did say is this: I want to shift the balance of strength from the gluteus and onto the quads. Now that does not mean the quads will be doing the work, but it does mean that the quads would be left in a fresher/stronger state than the pre-exhausted gluteus which would mean the weak link now is not the quads but the gluteus. So what does that achieve? What that achieves is that since the weakest link always gives out first, we would have made sure that the reason that squat set is terminated would be due to the failure of the gluteus and not the quads.

The above is not different form seeing someone with big triceps and front delts with not much chest development despite all the bench pressing movement he does. Search for that weakest link and do what you have to in order to keep it fresher/stronger than the muscles you’re aiming to hit. Here the weakest link that would be preventing a top and productive chest pressing workout would be the triceps. So we would want to keep the triceps momentarily stronger/fresher than our chest muscles. We do that by pre-exhausting the stronger muscle, here it would be our chest (there it would be our gluteus), and shifting the balance of strength onto the weaker link, i.e. the triceps (or the quads) as the case may be. Just for the record, we pre-exhaust our chest by performing flys instead of any pressing type of a movement. Triceps come in when pressing. Pressing has been eliminated by performing the flys instead; therefore the triceps would remain fresher than the now temporarily weaker/ pre-exhausted chest. Outcome? Failure on bench press would come due to chest and not triceps which would mean more stimulation for the chest muscle which = bigger chest muscles and a more balanced physique.

What we need to understand here is really simple and that is the weakest link is going to give out first. During the squats, the legs and not the gluteus would go first. But I want the gluteus to go first; hence the pre-exhaustion that is coupled with the GVT to make sure the job of “frying” is done properly.

You said:
I would think that being pre-fatigued would just make the squats dodgier.
That is not the way I see it Sir. Having the gluteus pre-fatigued would mean a lifter would be in no need to push the same weights he would have originally pushed to achieve some gluteus muscle stimulation.

Don't take my word for what I'm saying here, please try it for yourself and see what effect it has on you. Only then would you be 100% certain whether the pre-exhaustion principle is for you or not.

I thank you for your observation Ryan.

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