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6 Weeks Buttocks blitzing for a Superb Derriere!


First off let's be very clear about who this butt program is intended for. It’s a program more so for creation than it is for modification. That is to say that if you feel that you’re lacking in the butt department and your wish is to build some kick ass ass, then this backside blitz is for you. Having said that, for the ones whose wish is to tighten what they already have, then this blitz would see you taking care of that also.

When I was a bit younger than now, I was asked by my doctor, “Fadi”, she said, “how can I make my bum bigger?” No marking around here and straight to the point. Well my reply to her then is what this post of mine is going to be based on. So sit back, and let the party begin.

When was the last time you really took the time to focus your attention on this very attractive muscle? Mmmm, I know some may object to performing a specialised routine claiming that they get all they ever need from their squatting. And that would be acceptable if only we maintain the same logic by performing only bench presses for our chest; military presses for our shoulders, barbell bent over rows for our backs etc., but we don’t do that and most of us would feel the need (or want) to mix it up a bit in order to throw more focus on a particular area of a particular muscle, or to extenuate a particular part of a given muscle. Why not the gluteus I ask you?

So, for an all-out sexy and strong looking set of buttocks, I’ve designed this program for you. Please come this way when you’re ready thank you…

You are going to need an ankle strap so you can attach it to a low pulley. Why, I mean why can’t I just perform these suggested exercises using my own bodyweight for resistance purposes? Great question, I’m glad you’ve asked it. By all means, to begin with I would encourage you to rely on using your own bodyweight for resistance however, as with all exercises, our aim is to always prevent an adaptation to our muscles and prevent them from ever feeling comfortable and right at home. Why? Well, for the same reason if you were to get $10,000,000 tonight, you would not need to go to work tomorrow. You may wish to go but you wouldn’t need to because you’d be nice and comfortable with what you have just gotten, right? So it’s all about creating a need, if there’s no need or a demand placed on the muscles to improve, then a change in strength and look would not be warranted and you would remain as you are.

I’d like to first pre-exhaust our target muscle here by isolating it from the rest of our body. This would ensure more pressure on your muscles and less pressure on your joints when we move onto the compound exercises.

Preparation week

Do the concentrated hip extensions as seen in this video clip below. Do this exercise every day for 5 sets of 10 on each leg in preparation for the beginning of the gluteus blitz program.


I’m assuming that you back squat twice a week when doing your weight exercise. What we need to do here is that we need to fry your gluteus before you get yourself under that squat bar. Why? Well, since your backside muscles are the largest and strongest out of all the muscles in your body, we need a way to temporarily shift the balance of strength from them and onto your quadriceps.

We do that by employing the pre-exhaust system to our training. Why do we do that? We do it so when you’re performing your sets of squats, your butt muscles is temporarily left in a weaker state than your (originally weaker muscles) your quadriceps. That of course is achieved by blasting and frying them with the cable kickback blitz utilising an ultra-high volume method called the German Volume Training.

Bent over Cable Glute Kickbacks


With the GVT, you pick a weight that is about 60% of your 1RM (or a weight you can manage 20 reps with) and you perform 10 sets of 10 (10x10). You may feel that the weight feels on the light side for the first few sets, however things will begin to change quickly enough as the accumulative muscle fatigue effect kicks in. The aim is to perform 10x10, however if you find that you’re able to do that on your first attempt, then I would suggest you up the weight by about 2.5% for your next workout. Again, once you can manage 10x10, you increase the weight by a factor of 2.5% and so on. In other words, I’m assuming that you won’t get 10 reps for all your 10 sets first off (if you have picked the right weight).

Standing Cable Kickback


Rest intervals time

I would usually recommend a 60 seconds break between sets to be ideal, however now that we’re performing an exercise that calls for an alternation of body sides, I would suggest a rest interval of no more than 30 seconds after both sides of the body (both legs) have been worked. So you kickback with your first leg x10, then immediately swap legs and do the other, for which after that you take a 30 seconds break. If you find that it’s taking you too long to swap legs due to whatever reason, then I would suggest you drop the rest time to 20 seconds after both sides of the gluteus have been hammered!

Let’s say you squat on a Monday and a Thursday, I would like you to perform the Bent over Cable Glute Kickbacks on that Monday (as described above), and follow that with the Standing Cable Kickback exercise on Thursday. So now we have an additional 200 solid reps a week for your butt to contend with that it had not done before… something is going to change!

All the best and please feel free to ask if you have a question on your mind.

PS: At the end of 6 weeks, the Doc was happy with what she saw; I hope you would be too.

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I'm all for this Fadi, from a male's perspective, a woman can fake a good set of breasts but you can't fake a gorgeous arse!
I'm all for this Fadi, from a male's perspective, a woman can fake a good set of breasts but you can't fake a gorgeous arse!
I was going to say I agree with you there Darkoz, then I remembered a show where some young women are going under the knife for that "Brazilian" looking ass! In other words, you never know in this day and age mate.

Sadly, Darkoz, Fadi is correct.

Glute implants were all the rage in LA apparently ... everyone wanted a JLo butt without any hard work to get it

Nice glute routine, Fadi!!
lol rino's being a true friend

The buttocks is what Bella bitches and whines about the most lol

Excellent thread, I shall try the above.....how long before my buttocks start to grow and look noticeably rounder?? lolol
Glute implants were all the rage in LA apparently ... everyone wanted a JLo butt without any hard work to get it

Same with pecs too! I saw a Louis Theroux doco where men were getting implants for a 'manly' chest, without doing any work.

It looked bloody awful, nothing like the real thing.

shhhhhh I'm here!!!

Fadi, mucho excellanto! Bella needs this! lol

Thanks for posting

Bella, although I did make mention of the squats, someone may be performing (say) lunges or even step ups for their quads/glutes instead... it all works as long as we do it in the right order with the pre-exhaust movements done first as descibed.

Bella, although I did make mention of the squats, someone may be performing (say) lunges or even step ups for their quads/glutes instead... it all works as long as we do it in the right order.


noted! I'm in
Same with pecs too! I saw a Louis Theroux doco where men were getting implants for a 'manly' chest, without doing any work.

It looked bloody awful, nothing like the real thing.

ditto the glute implants....spotting a fake is easy ... looks really odd.
Same with pecs too! I saw a Louis Theroux doco where men were getting implants for a 'manly' chest, without doing any work.

It looked bloody awful, nothing like the real thing.
Now that one I have not heard of before! Thanks DKD.

lol rino's being a true friend

how long before my buttocks start to grow and look noticeably rounder?? lolol

You're most welcome.

Good luck - Take some before and after pics in spandex (or tights or whatnot) and verify the results!

(trying not to be too suss)
You're most welcome.

Good luck - Take some before and after pics in spandex (or tights or whatnot) and verify the results!

(trying not to be too suss)

Pics are a given ....and here I was...just going to go all commando! lol

tights it is then
Pics are a given ....and here I was...just going to go all commando! lol

tights it is then

I didn't want to sound like an outwardly perverted young man (I try to keep it a secret, ya see) - hence the suggestion of tights.

Plus, I think there is something inherently sexy about a tight pair of tights on a nicely shaped derriere. The mystery of it often outweighs the excitement of no tights.

Just my opinion though - and not always.

lol ok rino, taken on board

I was kidding, calm down. lol

How does one take a picture of their own bum anyway? Interdasting, it'll take me as long to build my sexy buttocks as it will to figure out how to get a pic of my own arse. lol

Leave it with me...................................