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28Yrs & 57kg...Can't gain weight - HELP!

From all the reading I have been doing it basically boils down to eating enough calories right. If it was that simple I could just eat maccas 4 times a day and I will put on weight combined with weights. But this wouldn't be really healthy.
Thanks Kuntze. Any chance of a daily menu template that I can use as a guide.


What foods?

On top of what you eat.....

Id fill your fridge with quality protein items such as soft boiled eggs, chicken breasts, swiss cheese, burgers, whack it in a large container in the fridge and during the day snack out of it, at least every hour eat 2 eggs, or one of the meat items and then at night, get up and eat as well.

In addition, eat regular meals, usually big salads and tons of fresh vegetables and maybe some brown rice.

Take a high fiber supplement as well.

*This works well when you have been training real hard for the previous 4-6 weeks and had hit a plateau.*

The results, good solid muscle and strength gains in the weeks following this eating plan.
For breakfast whats the difference between eating
1. Bacon, eggs, sausages, toast, milo
2. Oats, fruit, almonds, juice.
gotta be troll.
Why are you still questioning.

For breakfast whats the difference between eating
1. Bacon, eggs, sausages, toast, milo
2. Oats, fruit, almonds, juice.

The answer to which of those you should eat is Both... one after the other.

Should you eat chicken or steak for lunch? answer is YES you should eat both.

Yes you can eat maccas 4 times a day.
if that is what you can get, then eat it.

when you get to 80kg, then start asking questions.
Thats my point. 1st option has heaps more calories but would be heaps more unhealthy also. If calories = weight gain; then wouldn't eating junk food (maccas/pizza/kfc) be the easiest way to go about it combined with lifting weights? This would cause weight gain which is required and the gym would cause muscle size...

All the best with it.
For breakfast whats the difference between eating
1. Bacon, eggs, sausages, toast, milo
2. Oats, fruit, almonds, juice.

Mate I would modify that template slightly if I was 28yo & 57kg -

1. Bacon, eggs, sausages, toast, milo & then
2. Oats, fruit, almonds, juice. & then
3. 1L of ice cream

In fact I would add a litre of milk or ice-cream to every meal.

If your lactose intolerant just add a 500gm t-bone to every meal

Don't like beef it 500gm of pork chops/chicken thighs