I was watchin' the live feed a fair bit today. I'm really liking how Branch came in. Built like a brick sh*t house and still grainy. His conditioning is spot on.
Phil brought the whole package this year I think, I've got him pegged for 1st, but really hope Branch comes in and takes it. Doubt he will though.
I thought Jay was a holding a little water and looked a bit soft. Still unbelievably huge. He just flat out masses the rest of the draw. I think he's also got a bit of politics behind him, but we'll see. It's anyone's game at the moment.
Honerable mention goes to Roelly and his ridiculous triceps, the pre-judging of him was great I thought. Same goes for Hide and Rockel. Rockel had the best front showing I thought, but they're both just a bit on the small side.
Dex was looking on form too, as usual. He'll be in the top 3. I don't think Kai is even in the equation, looking pretty poor for the O stage.
Tomorrow should be good!