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16 year old wanting to change

Your probably right I remember when I was that age I could eat whatever I wanted and your metabolism would just burn it up.

Yep same at that age. I was having huge bowls of cereal and milk with sugar on top for breakfast. Toasted cheese sandwiches for lunch. Heaps pasta, potatoes or whatever for tea. Then Vegemite on toast as a snack before bed and probably a couple big chocolate milk shakes through the day. Never put on any fat at all. Never seemed to get full. Now eat like that and I'm the size of a house in a week.
Been drinking 2l of milk a day, throughout the day to avoid problems.

Slight gains in a few days.

Now that I cleared up the milk problem I have another. Whenever I have the slightest amount of egg it either gives me the runs or makes me sick in my stomach. It doesn't matter if matter how its cooked. Pasta made from egg has the same effect.

Despite that I've started eating just about everything in sight,and to the replies that constantly call for Mac as to be eaten...I can't stand the shit haha.

Didn't expect such a response, thanks guys
You will go far young padwan.

There is no requirement to eat eggs, if they dont agree with you simply pick something else.

Another of my favorites is the ultimate bulking sammich (tm):
Chicken (shitloads), Butter, Avocado (lots, spread on both sides of bread), Cheese (two slices), Mayo. Eat two or three of those badboys, wash down with ice cold milk.
Don't worry about eating eggs I they are no good for you. Have meat instead.

You are getting protein from your milk anyway.

What training do you do? Have you started a training log? If no, start one so people can give you advise on your training as well.
At the moment I'm doing a workout every second day. Benching, overpress , squatting,.dead lifting and q bit of barbell curls.

Doing this 3 times a week.

I've set up a log on my phone so I can.stay on track.
I agree with joe, need something for upper back mate.

I currently have a basic routine three times a week,

Squat 3x10 reps
Bench press 3x8 reps
Bent over barbell rows 3x8 reps
Barbell shoulder press 3x8 reps
Dead lifts 3x8 reps
Barbell curls 3x8reps

Pick a weight where you can JUST complete all set as specified, do that for three workouts (three times a week ie mon wed fri) if you complete ALL SETS for all three workouts, add some weight to all exercises, may be enough weight that your next workout might look like 8, 7, 5 or what ever, as long as you can no longer complete 3 sets of 8 reps.

Build your way back up till you can complete 8, 8 and 8 reps with that new weight, once you manage to complete all reps as required for TWO CONSECUTIVE workouts add weight again and repeat.

Simple but effective. After you complete your workout feel free to add any isolation exercises or Ab work you like but don't over do it, as you grow while you rest, not while you train, that's why plenty of good sleep is needed to give you growing time!!

Try it and see how you go mate.
Been going good boys.

I've also seen a slight transformation into a healthier body.

Been eating like a savage as well!
Sorry I'm not sure how to edit a post on my phone.

What do you guys think is a realistic goal in 70 days?

By then I'm hoping to have a healthier body.
70 days? That's not long for muscle growth I'm afraid. I found:
3 months - slight differences in the mirror
6 months - fair bit of definition
12 months - noticable definition & size.
3 years - if you do everything right, significant increase in muscle size.... Some people get to that 'model' look and can rep say 100kg-110kg x 10 on bench.

I'm sure you'll be happy with it after 3-12 months though. You will notice differences in 70 days, they will be subtle though (well they were for me). Most guys showing amazing before/after transformations in 3 months either did roids or had massive physiques hiding under fat - or both. Look closely at the before photos and you might notice 'hey that fat fuck is strong'.
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I mean what sort of weight should I be at?

I've already seen some minor minor changes and it just pumps me for more haha. Time isn't really important but setting realistic goals helps a fair bit.
I put on 13-14kg in 14 weeks, huge difference in 98 days.

You can make huge changes in the short term, you just have to be dedicated, but setting short term goals without a look towards the future can be detrimental to the long term.
1kg/week would be pretty abnormal. If you could be hitting 1-2kg per month that would be pretty good.

Think long term mate, set a goal for 12 months and a big one for 3 years. If you want some motivation from another young bloke who has done the right things and is getting results, checkout Sam's log: http://ausbb.com/member-training-diaries/16832-sam-heihei-training-log.html

First things first, you need to get stronger. Do a beginners program, eat and sleep. Repeat.

There are no shortcuts, just hard work and good food.
Also check out mattys log he is kicking arse although he is a little older I think, but that only makes it harder.

Bigjims log to he started out heaps overweight now hes a powerhouse.
Fuark...those guys lift like beasts. Considering making one of those log things myself.

Also, Im getting about 3200 cals a day at the moment but...I'm about to start preseason. I shit you not this is quite possibly the worst thing ever, so much running and shit. 3 hours of running and such.

So...the question is...how much should I be eating on training nights?
So...the question is...how much should I be eating on training nights?

Its hard to say since there are so many variables - monitor your weight, if it is not increasing then eat more. If its increasing too fast, eat less.

Simple stuff really.

Well first, I'm assuming that it's not 3 hours straight running right? Hopefully your coach isn't turning you into a Marathon runner lol

Anyway, the more running/sprinting you do just means that you'll have to take into account that your energy expenditure will rise. So eat a little more to battle that.

It's been 3-4 weeks since you started this thread at 55kg. How much have you gained?
Haha bro...you assumed incorectly. 3 hours of running is exactly what it is.

Of course there would be short short breaks but still gonna be pretty intense.

As for weight I'm at 57.5 atm.