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13 year old girl Benches 240lb RAW

The bar needs to be perceptively motionless, thats why we have a press call mate, i would have thought that would be pretty clear.

A better analogy would be why does O lifting allow the extreme lay back and knee kick in the clean and press. Oh wait they got rid of it completely because it got stupid. There is not a real controversy over the jerk its a separate lift to the press.

Has one has talked about building muscles? I always thought powerlifting was about demonstrating strength not weird looking yoga moves while lifting a bar a tiny amount. Moving the bar a couple inches while in some contorted position takes away from powerlifting in my opinion.

It's fine if powerlifters don't want the support of more people but it will stay where it is. Aus and world champion powerlifters receiving less money for their efforts than some bloke playing AFL in a 4th division country league for a town with a population of less than 500. If they are ok with that then that's fine.

no, i think my analogy is perfectly fine.

Powerlifting is about demonstrating strength within our decided boundaries.

Powerlifting is growing just fine without your support mate, hopefully you can open your mind and get on board! Your loss not ours.

Most people in this thread are referring to the boundries that get blurred - eg. the high squats getting passed. You can't deny the equipped lifting in some feds is just comical.

Plenty of record benches getting put up on PL watch that had no pause at all, clearly touch and go.

Why do feds do it, for bragging rights obviously and to say they have the strongest lifters and are best.

obviously i cant defend that shit, its definately negative for the sport.

All we can do is look after out own backyard and practice what we preach, which i believe we are doing in GPC Australia.
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Powerlifting is growing just fine without your support mate, hopefully you can open your mind and get on board! Your loss not ours.
I don't compete but I enjoy the sport, I follow it. I buy products off sponsors that support powerlifting but its attitudes like that which are part of the reason it will never be as good as it should be. Like I said if you are happy with the way it is thats fine.
I've been powerlifting for 7 years, in the last 2 years it has gone from a very obscure sport, to something that most gym users have heard of. More and more people are having a go at novice comps and signing up for official competition.

Powerlifting isn't stagnant anymore, its moving forward very very quickly and will continue to. Like i said, its doing fine without your approval.

I first found out about powerlifting about 10 years ago. Was planning on competing but looked up a recent comp and saw most divisions had 1 or 2 lifters so kept playing footy. Powerlifting has grown a lot in the last few years mostly due to raw powerlifting. Equipped powerlifting in my opinion is a side show and really hurts the sport( just my opinion) powerlifting is growing but if Feds don't adjust and follow what people want the growth won't continue.

Powerlifting is still minuscule saying anything else is bullshit and just because its growing doesn't mean it can't be better.

Have a look at UFC. MMA has gone from a unknown sport to huge in a very short amount of time. UFC is all about the spectacle, plenty of rule adjustments over time to make it better. Now we have the best fighters earning millions.

It's the attitude of if you don't like it who cares that will keep it small and Aus and world champions will keep having to pay their way to go and compete.
Equipped powerlifting was the only powerlifting not long ago, i competed anyway because i liked the concept and the people involved in the sport. Its hard to understand it if you've never tried it but its a whole different sport again, very very technical and is worthy of recognition.

Arching on the bench is not an issue and isn't stopping anyone from getting involved, with 400 odd members GPC is obviously far off being able to pay big money to winners but its on its way, and i don't think changing that rule will speed the process up.

I never said equipped wasn't a skill. It clearly is but in my opinion its not good for the sport.

It's still attitudes like yours that won't help it.

Small country towns of 500 people manage to play thousands in player payments every week. A nation wide fed doesn't really have an excuse.

But anyway, we will see.
I'm at these novice comps judging, loading or competing, i have seen the growth of the sport. I think its attitudes like yours that are the only problem here - People who have given nothing to the sport, have no stake in the sport at all, thinking they can judge it and decide what is best for it.

You're entitled to your opinion, i could argue with you about this all day, but theres no point.

You just keep proving my point.
Statistics say you're wrong mate. Its as simple as that. Participation is up across all feds, what your saying obviously isn't such an issue to the hundreds of new competitors.
Statistics say you're wrong mate. Its as simple as that. Participation is up across all feds, what your saying obviously isn't such an issue to the hundreds of new competitors.

The stats that say Aus and world champions still have to pay their way to compete. Have to pay to go represent Aus at world championships.
Would it make you happy to know that i'm getting around $300 to go and travel to europe to compete in 2 weeks time? That's a pretty good start. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Yeah I also take issue with the people that don't compete seem to have the biggest mouths on whether or not something is good for the sport or not.

This isn't a statement on whether it's true or false what is being said