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[Boxing] 10 Boxing Drills For Beginners


Administrator. Graeme
Staff member
10 Boxing Drills For Beginners

By: Lucas Higgins
Break Studios Contributing Writer

We all had a little rough-and-tumble on the playground in elementary school, but now, as an adult, it is time to turn that little scrapper into his sophisticated fitness and self-defense oriented older brother with these ten boxing drills for beginners. The goal of boxing drills is to build endurance so the boxer can go up to twelve rounds in a title fight. You may never need to go twelve rounds, unless you are caught in a dark alley with a dude that wants your wallet and won't take no for an answer, but then who's counting?

  1. Jump rope. The first and best boxing drill for beginners use that trusty old jump rope you buried in a box at your parent's house when you were twelve. Dig it out, or use an old data cable from your computer setup and get your Rocky Balboa on. A beginner can try bursts with 45 seconds of high intensity and fifteen seconds of rest. It's harder than you think, and it may take a while to get up to fifteen minutes with these boxing drills.
  2. Burpees. Sorry to spill it to you, but this high school physical education favorite is your key to building endurance. Put your lungs and heart to the test.
  3. Pushups. You may think you've found the wrong article, but basic fitness is at the core of the boxer's regimen. Start on your knees if you need to. You are building endurance, and that's what matters.
  4. Walking Lunges. This will build strength in your knees and quads, necessary for agility in the ring.
  5. Footwork drills. Good boxers use power to knock down their opponents while great boxers use amazing footwork to move in, out and around their opponents pouring down punches from every angle.
  6. Shadow Boxing. To practice your punch combinations and footwork together, shadow boxing has it all. Shuffle step forward and back and side to side while throwing your jab, cross, hook and uppercut. Shadow boxing drills also help you protect your elbows from hyperextending when practicing advanced boxing drills.
  7. Bobbing and weaving. One of the absolute best boxing drills for beginners is developing your ability to dodge a direct hit. Run a string or rope across your living room at about shoulder height. Start in your boxing stance with your head on the right side of the rope and the rope just about resting on your left shoulder. Squat with your legs and duck your head under the rope, then come up out of your squat with your head on the left side of the rope and the rope about touching your right shoulder. Imagine you've got a brutal frontal attack coming in from your opponent as you shuffle-step forward and back while ducking under the rope and throwing counter punches as you go.
  8. Heavy bag drills. The heavy bag is the most ubiquitous piece of boxing equipment around. Put on some bag gloves and try combinations like jab, jab, cross, left hook to the torso to get your opponent to drop his guard, then strong left hook to the jaw. Two or more points scored, unless the judging has been fixed in advance.
  9. Focus mitt drills. These boxing drills require a partner, but they are some of the best for beginners and pros alike to develop accuracy and to develop the feel for boxing with an opponent. Your partner wearing the focus mitts will call out combos that you will throw based on a numeric system. "One" for a right handed boxer is a lead or left-handed jab, "Two" is a cross, or right-handed straight punch, "three" is the lead, or left hook, "four" indicates a right hook, "five" a lead uppercut and "six" is a right-handed uppercut. Some numbering systems also include an overhand or overcut, a punch like a hook, but which arcs down toward the jaw at an angle.
  10. Speed Bag. Working the speed bag develops eye-hand coordination, and speed and shoulder endurance. It also makes a lot of noise and calls attention to you at the gym.
Tap in to that little scrapper, then refine it with some of the best boxing drills for beginners.