Hi All,
I'm a new member here, have read some good articles, and finally decided to become a member....because I searched for something quite specific endlessly and couldn't quite find an answer!
Short breif; I've been doing a '12 Week Challange' with a local gym. Final weigh in , measurements, and photos are next weekend ( 7 Days away).
My diet has been pretty good, getting all the numbers for Kj/protein/Carbs/fats, for the past 11 weeks, eating 6 meals a day, all the good stuff...oh, and lifting weights 3 days/wk + 1 PT session usually cardio/weights.
I'm happy with progress, it's just the for the last week I want to shed any "water weight", and increase muscle definition, yet don't wan't any catabolic effects, or sacrifice of muscle....
At the last weigh in (8 weeks in) this is how i was tracking:
Start Weight: 72.0kg, @ 8 Weeks: 76.2kg
Start Body Fat 12.6%, @ 8 Weeks: 9.4%
Current plan for the last week at the moment (as suggested by the PT): Live on chicken breast, protein shakes, 4 bean mix. Eggs for breakfast, minimal carbs, banana a day, maybe some youghut at night. He said "no veggies, no sweet potato - they have too much water". "the water in your pre-workout & protein shakes, and a coffee through the day should be enough, then just a sip of water every half an hour, to keep you upright". Last workout to be Wednesday arvo, then carb load back up Wed night and Thurs AM. Little, to no water at all from Friday AM (photos are Sat AM),
Any help with the final week workout & diet/water intake...(down to each day if possible) would be great, especially from someone who has done a similar cut for a comp or the like...
Hopefully your answers don't confuse me more....!
I'm a new member here, have read some good articles, and finally decided to become a member....because I searched for something quite specific endlessly and couldn't quite find an answer!
Short breif; I've been doing a '12 Week Challange' with a local gym. Final weigh in , measurements, and photos are next weekend ( 7 Days away).
My diet has been pretty good, getting all the numbers for Kj/protein/Carbs/fats, for the past 11 weeks, eating 6 meals a day, all the good stuff...oh, and lifting weights 3 days/wk + 1 PT session usually cardio/weights.
I'm happy with progress, it's just the for the last week I want to shed any "water weight", and increase muscle definition, yet don't wan't any catabolic effects, or sacrifice of muscle....
At the last weigh in (8 weeks in) this is how i was tracking:
Start Weight: 72.0kg, @ 8 Weeks: 76.2kg
Start Body Fat 12.6%, @ 8 Weeks: 9.4%
Current plan for the last week at the moment (as suggested by the PT): Live on chicken breast, protein shakes, 4 bean mix. Eggs for breakfast, minimal carbs, banana a day, maybe some youghut at night. He said "no veggies, no sweet potato - they have too much water". "the water in your pre-workout & protein shakes, and a coffee through the day should be enough, then just a sip of water every half an hour, to keep you upright". Last workout to be Wednesday arvo, then carb load back up Wed night and Thurs AM. Little, to no water at all from Friday AM (photos are Sat AM),
Any help with the final week workout & diet/water intake...(down to each day if possible) would be great, especially from someone who has done a similar cut for a comp or the like...
Hopefully your answers don't confuse me more....!