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0ni's diet log

May be educate yourself before you talk about something that you have no idea about

Hahaha. Coming from mick who's idea of educating yourself is reading conspiracy theory web sites with his tin foil hat on.

Sorry I was confusing carb nite with carb back loading. I apologize, I need to keep more up to date on the fad diets doing the rounds.

Not sure where you get your info from, I don't think I have ever in my life looked at or read a conspiracy theory web site or other media for that matter, not sure what a tin foil hat is either, but it sounds uncomfortable.

Anyway, so what other do is a fad diet but what you do is normal

Have you ever considered it might be the other way around

What do I do??
Who knows?? Can't recall you mentioning it. But what ever it is it must be great

Eating food i enjoy breakfast lunch and dinner and eating less when I want to lose weight and more when I want to gain. No fancy name but must be a fad diet.
Eating food i enjoy breakfast lunch and dinner and eating less when I want to lose weight and more when I want to gain. No fancy name but must be a fad diet.

It's innovative, and sounds crazy so it might just work as long as you 'enjoy' the right foods
Edit:Not going to derail this thread further.

Sup Oni.

Are you sticking primarily to native ancestry food sources 100%? Is there any point to tracing ancestral food sources when your going to be crap/carb loading with ice-cream and pizza?
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Is there any point to tracing ancestral food sources when your going to be crap/carb loading with ice-cream and pizza?

The book explains it quite clearly, how and why it works, Not something that can be answered in a 5 line forum post.

Not completely true. Given adequate calories anything that increases metabolic rate will increase protein turnover rate (PTOR). So taking ECA or clen while increasing calories will get you both leaner and bigger at a faster rate than without.

ECA/Clen/T3 are also anti-catabolic which will shift the ratio in favour of anabolism. So they are for all intents and purposes anabolic. Ephedrine reduces cortisol over time.
Edit:Not going to derail this thread further.

Sup Oni.

Are you sticking primarily to native ancestry food sources 100%? Is there any point to tracing ancestral food sources when your going to be crap/carb loading with ice-cream and pizza?

It's pretty trivial really and not something you need to worry about too much. It's cool as fuck to eat the same foods off the bone as your ancestors did though. As I have the choice of many meats, I am going to keep it as British as possible so beef/chicken/pork/lamb. No real business with kangaroo or camel- aint got no time for that

My crap loading I won't give a fuck I'll just be eating all the pizzas

Throw some sea food in there as well, salmon is pretty good but expensive.

Kangaroo/Camel/Emu etc tastes like arse, tried them all and not a fan.

Hard to beat a good T bone or rump steak, pork chops, chicken, turkey is nice as well.

When is your carb day?? Lost any body fat yet??
I'm only a few days into it so I was going to do a 10 day no carb run before my first carb up next saturday (at the big game)

fuck seafood personally, the british ate mostly scallops. For those of you that are blissfully unaware of these, they are like little shellfish and horrible to eat

Will be interesting to see any fat loss over the ten days, and will also be interesting to see how you feel after your carb feed. A mate of mine did this and felt terrible after eating carbs on the carb day.
Will be interesting to see any fat loss over the ten days, and will also be interesting to see how you feel after your carb feed. A mate of mine did this and felt terrible after eating carbs on the carb day.

Safe to say I'll be taking digestive enzymes before, during and after my refeed haha.

I am 72kg atm. Lost A LOT of water, you can notice the water weight already. I got down to about 70kg but I think there is a lot of weight from food in my body as well (at least a kilo just sitting there)