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0ni's diet log

Exactly. Life expectancy of about 30 years or so. Yes the caveman had their nutrition spot on.

And yes life without cheeseburgers, pizzas, chips, Jim beam. Fuck that. The Paleo fanatics can have it.

Average life expectancy of a caveman was around 30 years. What people fail to mention and understand is that the high infant mortality rate brings down this average. And people still lived well past 30.

This is the problem with averages, the average person is obese so you don't want to be average.

If three babies are borne. Two die at birth and the third lived to be 90. We have an average life expectancy of 30 years. When really you just have a high infant mortality rate.
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Exactly so even with the average person being a fat arse we are still living to average age of 80+.

Oh how bad all our modern food must be with its poison grains and all.
If you lived in the wild and had to hunt Woolly Mammoth and sabre tooth tigers, your life expectancy would be dramatically reduced no matter what food you ate.
Exactly so even with the average person being a fat arse we are still living to average age of 80+.

Oh how bad all our modern food must be with its poison grains and all.

Seriously did you even read what I wrote? Or may be you did but just failed to understand it?

So you are suggesting it's our bad diet and being overweight is what brings up our average life expectancy?? Or may be the average is brought up by not having a high infant mortality rate and our modern medicine being able to keep people alive despite their bad habits. Imagine what would be possible if the population as a whole led a better lifestyle and had better dietary habits.

No Mick, you are the one who doesn't understand. I said despite being fat fucks we still live to 80+ Ave. Our food can't be that bad. If its poisonous like you and your conspiracy webs sites claim, its a fucking shit poison. Takes almost 100 years to kill you. Lol.

Any figures of caveman that make it past birth living longer than us. Any figures on actually mortality rates. Or do we take your word for it.
The food of today "junk" food has a huge impact on peoples health and well-being - that is a simple fact - all food is not equal - as a nation we are hugely un-healthy due to the food we consume and the over-eating of this food.

To even compare what we eat now V how long people lived as a caveman is just stupid - fuck there are about a million of factors as to why someone would die back then than now.

Big Mick made a great point about high infant mortality rate + combine this with mothers dieing at birth which was hugely common and their avg age would of been alot less than now days when having kids....but again there are million years how someone could die young then.

Their diet was prob the main thing maintaining them - meats, grains, fats etc

You would have to be pretty clueless to not see that how we eat as a society now has a major impact on health and well being.

I eat junk food yes - but I would never replace it for good/healhty food - thats just pointless.

Mate you have what I call 'rare sense' these days, it used to be called 'common sense' but it's quite obvious that only a small percentage of people use their brains these days for thinking rather than following the propaganda and B/S we are fed as a people without ever thinking about it.

Like I said earlier, most creatures know what they are supposed to eat, no one tells a cow, or horse or bird or pig or tiger etc what to eat, humans know what to eat, but some (many) choose to ignore it.

Put a human out in the wild to survive, and they will quickly work out what they need to eat, they will initially start to look for berries etc, while they will make a weapon of some sort and make it their priority to find some meat to eat, to the point where they will start eating each other if it comes down to the end.

People these days live despite their diet, not because of it, anyone that suggests we are supposed to eat processed sugars, flour, cakes, bread, processed meat, etc washed down with coke and soft drinks is just retarded. This point can really not even be argued, our body has not evolved to live on this stuff, and generally does not do well on it, as can be seen by just looking around, no studies required, just a need to open your eyes and see the average person walking the street with their fat gut, diabetes, food allergies, ill health, and a host of medications consumed just to keep you alive.

I have mates that are 10 years younger than me suffering from high blood pressure, kidney stones, one even had a heart attack at 39

Mick you are so wrong.

No one tells a cow what to eat. Lol. My cows eat exactly what I feed them. If you think they know exactly what they need to eat you are wrong. They will happily eat the wrong shit and kill themselves if you let them.

Put a human out in the wild and they will eat what's there or they die. Nothing optimal about it, it's about eating enough to survive.

You keep saying the body has not evolved to eat grains and such. Wrong, we are perfect examples of most definitely evolving to eat these foods. And yes while not optimal we can most definitely live on "junk" food. Saying we have not evolved this is. Millions of people do it every day.

You talk about processed meat being bad but just the other day talking about eating bacon for breakfast. Lol.

Yep had bacon for breakfast today as well, love the stuff, but just because you or I eat it does not make it good. So if millions of people smoke and drink every day and are 50kg overweight that makes it good??

You just don't get it do you?? Just because people do it and live does not make it good.
Has anyone thought that maybe all this 'processed food' might be better for us in some way!? I mean there are more freakish athletes and records just keep getting broken...and who was that Aussie Olympic cyclist who ate KFC and macca's all the time? Bailey or something....

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Ryan Bayley

Usain Bolt just said he ate a shit load of Maccas last Olympics. The Phelps eating all that shit.

It's better for them in that it's an easy tasty way to get a lot of calories in quickly, which they need when training lots. Probably not 100% optimal but certainly didn't poison them.

As for doing anything freaky to them. Doubt it, why would it.

Bacon is a processed meat and processed foods are poison and evil. How do you eat that processed garbage. You must have no taste buds left from all the processed food.

Smoking and drinking. Never been mentioned once here. Sick to the argument.
Bacon is a processed meat and processed foods are poison and evil. How do you eat that processed garbage. You must have no taste buds left from all the processed food.

Smoking and drinking. Never been mentioned once here. Sick to the argument.

Mate no offense but you are retarded.

YOU are the one that said that because millions of people do something it must be good. What does one have to do with the other??

So because I eat bacon does not make it any better than what it is. I know what I eat and what it does. Where did I say eating bacon is good, I just said I eat it, never said it's good for me. BTW where did I say it's poison and evil??? Another thing you made up or dreamt about.

Your the one that suggests because you eat it and live it must good for you, as your reasoning for junk food is because millions eat it and live it must be good.

I am getting a bit tired of you just making stuff up and stating it as fact and putting words into my mouth that I never said or even implied. not sure what that is all about, or is it just a way to try and cover up your flawed arguments

Again Mick you are making stuff up. I said our food can't be as bad as you make out if even the average, unfit, fat person still makes it to 80+.

Please point out where I said just eating junk food is good for you.

So you get all high and mighty about people eating evil, poisonous Maccas and processed foods but you do it every day. Lol.