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    The Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding forum is dedicated to no nonsense muscle and strength building. If you need advice that works, you have come to the right place. This forum focuses on building strength and muscle using the basics. You will also find that the Ausbb- Australian Bodybuilding Forum stresses encouragement and respect. Trolls and name calling are not allowed here. No matter what your personal goals are, you will be given effective advice that produces results.

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  1. The heaviest raw squat in history.

    Ray Williams. Say no more. 456kg squat. Raw. Drug tested. No wraps. Proper depth. In competition. No bull shit.
  2. Dimitri Klokov

    This is the way to press, shit this dude is strong.
  3. A

    4 Time World's Strongest Brian Shaw & 2015 World's Fittest Ben Smith

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    Strongest vs fittest

  5. Let your motion generate your emotion

    How many here would like to have the energy they had when they were younger...without the reliance on caffeine? I'm talking real fair dinkum true energy from within. Remember the days you ran, jumped, kicked a ball, or punched the air with so much energy...and that was just for the heck of it...
  6. Understanding protein’s behaviour in order to maximise on its anabolic response

    Big R had asked me the following question: That prompted me to write few words about it in my reply to the gentleman. Some habits are hard to break, and that’s understandable.However with bit more knowledge on a particular subject, one may find a change in habit much easier and more...
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    Why Sleep Is So Important When You're Trying To Build Muscle

    Why Sleep Is So Important When You're Trying To Build Muscle You can do intense workouts, eat the right foods and take the right supplements, but your muscles won’t grow without decent sleep. This video from the PictureFit YouTube channel explains how important sleep is for your body when...
  8. Domestic Violence Against Men

    I could have put it there, but thought it was truly not warranted to end the title of this thread with an exclamation mark! If you have ever doubted what you're about to see, consider the fact, the most often unheard or undiscussed fact of women raping men. I've known since the 70s of that most...
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    World's Strongest Man Brian Shaw Takes 100M Rowing Record on a Whim

    brian Shaw, whilst hanging out and training at the Super Training gym, decided to have a go at the Concept2 100m World Record. He either tied it or beat it*, incredibly impressive performance! * Looking at the Concept2 records page on their website, the lowest appears to be a man called Ross...
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    Ronnie Coleman Rates Kevin Levrone's Olympia Chances

  11. To the scientifically minded members on the forum, 9/11 15 years on...

    Are you certain of how the twin towers and building number 7 came down? Do you think this is as clear cut as the mainstream media would have us believe, or do you question the "evidence" provided? As the narrator of the above video puts it: "The control demolition hypothesis is the only one that...
  12. Colin Kaepernick Refuses to Stand for National Anthem...

    OK, so in the above video it's all about how bad and unappreciative Collin is towards this country (America) that has done so much for him...according to the man bagging him. Now let's see what and why Collin won't stand and would still remain sitting whenever the national anthem of the United...
  13. T

    Guy doing 6 plate front squat with no spotter holy cow

  14. 450kg squat. Raw. Natty.

    Ray Williams in training. Current IPF (drug tested, proper depth, walked out. You know, real squatting!!) world record holder with a clean 438kg squat. The video below is posted as 1000lb so 452.5kg in real weight. The video attachment icon only lets me post the page. Sorry.
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    Soldier Who Lost Leg Becomes Disabled Strong Man Champion

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    Dexter Jackson comparison 1996 and 2016, 20 years of bodybuilding...

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    Jay cutler talks about steroids, and the modern drug culture.

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    Classic Bodybuilding Vs. Modern Bodybuilding

    Detailed video of my vision of what Classic BB is and what Modern BB is and how they compare. I compare pictures from Classic Mr. Olympia's with Modern Mr. Olympia's along with their posing routines to get a good look at the difference between the two era's.
  19. easy doesn't work

    A study was done purporting to show that load doesn't matter for results.Since the study told the public what it wanted to hear - that easy works - it was widely and enthusiastically reported without any serious analysis or discussion. I corresponded with the authour, and he and his colleagues...
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    The Heaviest Dumbbell on Planet Earth 413lbs!!!