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Hey all, me and a buddy are gonna do our first cycles soon, just hoping for some feedback.
we are both late 20s
our plan is-
1 amp test e 250 every 4 days
1mg adex OED while on
12 weeks like this then
about 2 week after last shot, pct begins
1 & 3 day after 750 HCG
5 & 7 day after 500 HCG
9 &...
I did a 6 week dbol 30mg "cycle" and the strength and what not was awesome.
I'm on my pct of nolva for 4 weeks.
Because it's an oral if I don't use any orals and do a 10 week test e cycle can I do it any sooner than the 8 weeks normally ?
If that makes sense
Hey all
Im going to try s dbol only cycle as my first, to get in the swing of things. Plus im unable to get my hands on test.
Anyway will the following work?
30mg for 6 weeks
They have come in 10mg tablets
What is the best way to dose? 3 10mg a day? Or 2 15mg etc?
Once in the morning once...
Hi folks,
Im 6.3ft, 100kg, 7% bf, wanna run my second cycle, test e 500 a week for 10 weeks, hcg from week 3 to 10, 250mcg every 4days.
For give a little boost i wanted to add npp for the first 8 weeks at 50mg eod and tbol for first month 40mg ed.
Do you think i'd have prolactin issues with that...
Title says all, clomid on left nolva on the right (Ive heard the real liquid nolva is bright pink like this)
Also bought a measuring syringe, would 0.1 be 1ml? syringe goes up to 1.0 but I can't see myself having 1.0 every day for 4 weeks bottle would run out.
Hi all,
I'm new to the forums I've been reading for ages but I'm looking for some advice. I'm on my second cycle of Sust250 I'm stacking with AHD and Testagen, I'm seeing some decent gains on 1ml a week however for the first time my nipples are starting to feel a little sensitive and I'm...
quick question , can you still run nolva as PCT if you have run some deca in your cycle ? (500mg test for 12weeks and 250mg of deca for 10 weeks) The plan is/was some clomid and nolva as PCT when i finally decide to do it . I also had a guy tell me to use adex instead of nolva :confused:
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has any info/feedback on these 2 different brands of test prop (see pic) and these nolva tablets that came in a plain bag (wtf?).
I've 10ml of the organon testabol, and 30mg of the other astra pharmaceuticals or w/e it is.
I haven't gotten any Arimidex as...