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  1. A

    Is HCG Good for Bodybuilding? Let’s Discuss!

    Hey everyone, I wanted to open up a discussion about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and its role in bodybuilding. It’s a topic I’ve been researching recently, and I think it’s worth exploring together, especially for those who’ve been on cycles or are considering PCT (Post-Cycle Therapy)...
  2. J

    Hgh/hcg/ mk 677

    Question: Whats the chemical difference between these compounds and what difference is there in terms of effects and side effects? As you will see below Im after the connective tissue benefits,
  3. A

    On TRT, needs to source HCG,. Help!

    Hi, I am currently on TRT for Low T but my doctor wont put me on HCG. Can anyone recommend an online store to purchase HCG for this. I have seen austeroids, au-roids and ozgear...but I dont know which is legit and which is not. Thanks
  4. B

    Australian SARM companies

    Does anyone know of any good Australian SARM supplies that have correct dosing?
  5. Big Mick

    Asking for a Friend

    What would be a suitable PED's schedule/'regime for a healthy adult male in their early 50's Intersted in some educated comments. Asking for a friend:cool:
  6. B

    Cycle Advice

    Hi Guys, Looking to run my 3rd Cycle (first two were Test-E only and then Test-E, DBol and Equipoise) and was hoping for some feedback/advice: Planning on the following: Gear: Weeks 1-3 : 50mg DBol ED Weeks 1-3: Tudca + Liver Detox Weeks 1-10: Galactic Mass Blend (Test-P, Tren-A, Nandro-P)...
  7. Z

    Safe to add new HCG to old reconstituted HCG?

    About 6 months ago I had to travel and I left behind about 5ml of bac water with appx 2500iu of HCG. I know the HCG has lost its potency due to it's short shelf life once mixed with bac water. Am I able to add HCG into it effectively reusing the water/old HCG mix?
  8. C

    food recipes for hcg program

    Hello, I just bought my hcg 2.0 drops and I want to ask if anyone can give me food recipes that has calorie count?
  9. H

    Trt aus question

    Trt in Austrailia From blasting and cruising since a young age for competative bodybuilding what are the chances of getting trt from the doctors and what are the legal aspects now also do they usually include hcg with trt ? Sick of cruising on my own methods
  10. G

    hcg from gear199

    hi guys, did anyone tryed hcg (or other product) from gear199? cheers guys, i just want to make sure about quality and ability to arrive in aus with no probs
  11. A

    Study: hCG makes testes bigger, but no increase in testosterone

    Study: hCG makes testes bigger, but no increase in testosterone If men with low testosterone levels want to increase the size of their testicles, then hCG will do the job. But if these same men want to boost their testosterone levels, they'll achieve better effects with a testosterone gel...
  12. J

    Endocrinologists in Melbourne????

    Hey guys Mid last year I ran a sus250 (250mg/week) and tren (300mg/week), yeh I know I fucked up. And as a result developed fina dick. Thought it would go away after a few months, it didn't. So instead of seeing a doctor I thought I would run a test e only cycle 200mg/week with a pct of nolva...
  13. A

    HCG for low test

    Hi fellas, I havent hit any gear for about 6 months but lately I have had pretty low sex drive low energy in the gym so I assume my levels may be a little low just want some opinions as to weather i can run 500iu of hcg weekly for 2-3 weeks to get my levels up or would this cause drama, I also...
  14. O

    Testers Needed Prevent Testicular Shrinkage with a New Legal HCG Alternative

    Research has suggested that 7,8 benzoflavone is capable of reversing the negative feedback loop at the hypothalamus via modulation of the GABA/opioid receptor complex. In other words, 7,8 benzoflavone could potentially be used to stimulate LH (leutenizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating...
  15. J

    HCG question

    I've been researching HCG online, trying to figure out exactly what I need for my first Test E only 12 week cycle.. If I was to take 250IU twice a week, would 1 vial (10000IU) be enough for the 12 week cycle? is it as simple as dividing 10000 by 250? Maths has never been a strength of mine...
  16. S

    No HCG

    I'm going to run a Dbol + Test E cycle starting January next year and I'm having difficulty getting HCG. I know you can run a 500mg Test E cycle without HCG (although it's not as effective), however I'm not certain how Dbol effects things. I've done some googling and for every post I find that...
  17. M

    Advice on HCG and PCT?

    Hi guys, New member here and also was hoping to get some of your advice. I am currently using: Test E, Eq & Winstrol. I have Tamoxifen and HCG for PCT. Initially my trainer has suggested me this mild cycle and mentioned that for PCT all I need is HCG and Tamoxifen. I have been reading...
  18. C

    Hcg pregnyl

    Is it possible to get hcg pregnyl from websites and get it into aus... I have been searching for weeks and everyone site seems to think its impossible or they are either a scam website ... Has anyone had any luck with this ? Or should I just give up on trying to get it ? Cheers
  19. A

    Hcg diet

    Does hcg make you lose weight if so is it as effective as clen
  20. Christian

    n00bs hCG diet...

    As of today i hit 110kg.. Been interested in proving or disprovingt his protocol for myself. So i am going to attempt it for 30days. 500cal daily. 125iu hCG daily... No weight trianing. Supplement with L-glutamine.. Only exercise will be walking or recreaitonal swimming. I know my...