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Search results

  1. The Hamburgler

    Floor Glute Ham Raise

    And because people on here seem to stuck in the Stone Age re: "functional" exercises "An injury-preventing effect of the FIFA injury prevention programmes compared with controls was shown in football. This effect was induced by the FIFA 11+ prevention programme which has a substantial...
  2. The Hamburgler

    Floor Glute Ham Raise

    Link to the full article: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/cc16/7a2aa587d89f5a70c5d20535628f9b26069c.pdf
  3. The Hamburgler

    Floor Glute Ham Raise

    EMG measures through the full ROM; they're merely stating the joint angles at which peak contraction occurs and no offence, but I'll take the opinion of a collective 100,000 university hours and millions of practical hours from strength coaches through dozens of different countries (including...
  4. The Hamburgler

    Floor Glute Ham Raise

    If you google image search "Hamstring EMG" you can go through a bunch of graphs showing activity levels for a variety of exercises. cliffs: body weight, knee flexion based exercises rate highest. Squats fare horribly. Deadlifts fall somewhere in the middle
  5. The Hamburgler

    Floor Glute Ham Raise

    "Razor curl" Ive tried them (managed to do a full eccentric but had to use my head to do the concentric lol). Completely different feeling to a traditional Nordic curl. I actually quite like weighted kneeling good mornings (basically knee at 90deg, just hinge forwards at the hip til your face...
  6. The Hamburgler

    Floor Glute Ham Raise

    "Low levels of eccentric hamstring strength during the Nordic hamstring exercise increases the risk of future hamstring strain injury in elite Australian footballer" http://bjsm.bmj.com/content/48/7/647.2 "Put the other way around, if you fail to do your eccentric training, you are 3 times...
  7. The Hamburgler

    Floor Glute Ham Raise

    It lengthens, but the hamstring is going through about half of it's available length I also disagree that it is either a poor strength builder (otherwise we would have to rule out any hamstring curl machine as a good hamstring developer) or an accident waiting to happen provided the athlete is...
  8. The Hamburgler

    Floor Glute Ham Raise

    How is there a stretch? if you do them properly the hip stays in extension https://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/26HtXugv1NMp9syWIYRW_g/o.jpg vs full range of hamstring (which can be biased to the medial or lateral hamstring by rotating the femur)...
  9. The Hamburgler

    Knee Hurting

    It's pretty common in gardeners, tradies, cleaners etc that kneel a lot. mostly likely an inflamed bursa
  10. The Hamburgler

    Floor Glute Ham Raise

    Its unlikely you get a better stretch as the hamstrings never get anywhere near their end range in a Nordic/inverse curl. definitely get a greater contraction though. theres a lot of evidence suggesting that activity levels in the different hamstrings (biceps femoris vs...
  11. The Hamburgler

    Yuri Belkin deadlift. 420kg @110 Raw.

    Just deadlifted 410@100 to break Ed Coan's all time record
  12. The Hamburgler

    One for @Spartacus

    Her American rival would be my bet, along with Fed (who I think is 99% clean) and Nadal
  13. The Hamburgler

    Beginners program

    As long as you're not doing number 2s whilst lifting
  14. The Hamburgler

    Beginners program

    Whether a newbie is doing 8s or 5s is relatively inconsequential as long as there is some form of progression over time
  15. The Hamburgler

    Chakera Holcomb - 21y/old 82.5kg lifter

    Videos from the comp in CA over the weekend ($200,000US prize pool) She broke Jeanine Whittaker's all time record total https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MjNjGIs_0A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iX4KepIj2uM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l64qENCw5C0
  16. The Hamburgler

    Yuri Belkin deadlift. 420kg @110 Raw.

    Pretty sure he just won like $50,000 at a comp in California
  17. The Hamburgler

    Yuri Belkin deadlift. 420kg @110 Raw.

    Not really; just differentiating between soft tissue limitations and joint capsule limitations ie someone may have a joint capsule that would allow them to pull sumo fine but their adductors are so damn tight their knees collapse in horribly the second they go outside shoulder width im starting...
  18. The Hamburgler

    Yuri Belkin deadlift. 420kg @110 Raw.

    "Wide stance will fuck up your hip" is a cop out by people who don't understand anatomy and can't coach the movement properly Sure, if you've got the mobility of a plank of wood then feet out near the plates isn't going to end well but a normal width sumo (whatever normal means) is no worse than...
  19. The Hamburgler

    Yuri Belkin deadlift. 420kg @110 Raw.

    Yes because your opinion is oh so valued by . . . Who exactly? not to mention the ~12 biggest deadlifts ever done (probably more) have been done with a close stance, which by your argument is cause for close stance to not be considered a 'real' 'deadlift' and merely 'moving goal posts further...
  20. The Hamburgler

    Yuri Belkin deadlift. 420kg @110 Raw.

    I'm curious as to which of these you believe he failed to comply with "Deadlift The lifter shall face the front of the platform with the bar laid horizontally in front of the lifters feet, gripped with anoptional grip in both hands and lifted until the lifter is...