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Search results

  1. White_Lie

    Gaspari Halodrol

    Looking it up, the new stuff is just a 1 Andro/4 Andro blend?...no idea how much of each you're actually getting as it's a prop blend. If you want to run Andro's, look at the Olympus UK or Hard Rock supplements stuff. Proper dosage and if you're stacking them you can adjust each dose...
  2. White_Lie


    G'day Jay, welcome on board
  3. White_Lie

    Electrolytes or BCAAs for endurance hydration

    He would have been talking about the electrolyte product, not the BCAA one. http://www.bulknutrients.com.au/products/electrolyte-plus.html The BCAA is a better product but also $65/kg compared to $19/kg
  4. White_Lie

    Electrolytes or BCAAs for endurance hydration

    Something like Xtend will also contain electrolytes. I don't see why you can't/wouldn't have both
  5. White_Lie

    Bench Press - is it over rated outside of PL?

    Superior for myself, not really talking about anyone else. Everyone will find they get better activation and/or results from some movements rather than others, you just have to find what works for you
  6. White_Lie

    Bench Press - is it over rated outside of PL?

    Been thinking about this for a week or two, you beat me to starting a thread Stiffy. I tend to do flyes a lot more than presses and haven't flat barbell benched for a long time now. In bodybuilding terms, I think the flye and even db presses are superior.
  7. White_Lie

    Welcome on board Flex Fitness Equipment

    Just looked them up, got some good looking gear, discount code is already working, even on sale items... excellent! Pretty local to me too
  8. White_Lie

    Diet of protein shakes and supplements contributed WA mum and bodybuilder's death

    Sensationalist headline...she had a few tubs of protein powder and other supplements in her cupboard so they must be a leading cause of her death? How much did she actually have per day? Her mum says she was "having way too much protein"...does she have any idea how much a competitive...
  9. White_Lie

    Shaved Rod and Tackle

    The bromance is strong in this thread. Who'd have thought we'd all be bonding over a manscaping thread? I'll give you some more free advice, if you're going to use Veet or one of those hair removal creams, make sure as shit it's the sensitive version and don't leave that chit on for more than...
  10. White_Lie

    Shaved Rod and Tackle

    I need every bit I can get mate!
  11. White_Lie

    McDonalds... How bad is it?

    There's been loads of reports of maggots in cooked chicken (particularly the roast chooks you get in a bag from Woolies) and fast food over the years. I don't really get how as they can't survive the cooking temp and take a day to hatch if the eggs were laid once cooked but it does happen
  12. White_Lie

    Shaved Rod and Tackle

    I went after the optical inch years ago, haven't looked back...chicks love it but some prefer a groomed buzz cut if you will rather than Brazilian
  13. White_Lie

    Post up what you are eating V2.0

    6 hours? Sheesh, wouldn't even be able to pick them up. I did some the other day for 4 hours and they were falling apart, delicious none the less!
  14. White_Lie

    Power lifting Feds

    Yes, it will just be recreational stuff. Some prescriptions will false trigger, for example elevated codeine in the system from strong cold and flu medication can show up as opiates. A lot of preworkouts that contained DMAA also used to come up as methamphetamine They won't be testing for...
  15. White_Lie

    Quest Bar Review(s)

    I'm interested in what out of that list you believe is the unhealthy part
  16. White_Lie

    Beginners program

    You just do 5x5 of those exercises? Nothing else? The strong lifts is A) Squat, bench, row B) Squat, OHP, deads And you just alternate thru. So you squat 3 times per week then do the other movements once or twice per week, alternating. I'm not sure if this would be better or worse for...
  17. White_Lie

    Beginners program

    Depends on the individual and their goals I suppose. I didn't have an issue with it but I was a lot younger than yourself when I did 5x5 style programs. If your body isn't recovering from the load or volume then you should probably listen to it and adjust accordingly.
  18. White_Lie

    Beginners program

    Perhaps try breaking it up a little then, lighter day in the middle like I was doing or drop it back to 3 sets instead of 5. If you've started on the lighter side and still pulling up sore, it will only get worse as the program progresses
  19. White_Lie

    Beginners program

    Do you mean 5 sets of singles or 1 set of 5? When I did 5x5, I did 5 sets of deads 3/week. Monday was heavy, Wednesday light and Friday intermediate. Worked well. I don't think there's enough volume otherwise but depends how you're recovering
  20. White_Lie

    Beginners program

    Are you trying to work out what weight to start at or your actual 1RM? If you've never done a 5x5 before, start off lighter than you think. The first few weeks may seem easy but it's better than stalling a month in to the program. If you want to know your actual 1RM, then the only real way is...