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Search results

  1. S

    Brown vs White bread

    Hey, A brine is a great method for white meat, Particularly breast as its add a bit of juice and flavor. Brine is a Salt and sugar solution with any combo of you fav spices. When smoking meat i will usually cook it low and slow, but those cuts of meat like pork + lamb shoulder are full of...
  2. S

    Dexa scan Results

    True, But i NEED the weight to be down for boxing, at least 80kg.... and 10% bf is my goal Its getting very frustrating, 2 more weeks then 3000 here i come
  3. S

    Dexa scan Results

    The weight is still proving to the a bitch to shift. Been eating 2300 give or take for the last 2 weeks and i did see 95kg on the scales Saturday morning..... This 1 pound per week people talk of is BULLSHIT!!! im looking a bit leaner but so thats a plus..... Im always eating above my 2100...
  4. S

    Brown vs White bread

    So i brined and smoked about 5kg of chicken breast on the weekend so i can have my shredded smoked chicken and mayo sandwiches as a snack at work I got a loaf of brown bread from the local viet baker. I check the nutritional label..... More then double the carbs compared to white of multi...
  5. S

    What are some of your current regular meals?

    Actually proper lean beef mince ie top side mince is $14-$15 a kg at best that would include Woolworths heart smart range or butcher Coles 4 star lean beef at $10kg is 12% fat so its quite a bit higher in calories there burger grade is shocking at 20%+ fat its like 25g fat per 100g or...
  6. S

    Bulk Peanut butter/Almond spread

    Bag of 2kg peanuts and a food processor/blender is all you need add a bit of oil to the consistency you wish and that's that... same goes with any nut, add coco powder for a choc peanut butter :) Use unsalted then you can always add salt, I like a bit of salt in my PB
  7. S

    the what u saw at the gym TODAY thread

    Saw some chick pull off all the weight of one side of the squat stands and make the other side come smashing down... Ow wait that was my girlfriend... I now have a chip out of my 25kg plate and a big indent in my gym floor..
  8. S

    Post up what you are eating

    Breakfast/lunch im grazing on 500g lean beef mince 250g steamed rice 150g peas Mixed together with some tomato pasta sauce i made the other night Tastes amazing, 1228 calories, 127 P 93 C and 35C 10g Fiber Not bad for two meals worth...
  9. S

    Why does everyone jackoff to the little shit?

    im more then happy with my Bench, deadlift, Squat, MP and curls Il add in leg extensions in between my sets too just becasue i can Its done very well for me and im done my session in 40min 3 times a week. Cant complain with that
  10. S

    Where has all this come from?

    I can eat 2000 calories at maccers and be hungry an hour later.... Il eat 300g chicken breast with home made mushroom sauce and a salad and it keeps me going all night without even thinking of another meal.
  11. S

    Where has all this come from?

    Il give my 2c Ive tried a number of things to loose weight and get into good shape. I was one that believed protein shakes would bulk me up and weights would make me bulky too. Then i jumped on the net and did my reading for a couple years on and off. I then did what suited me the best...
  12. S

    The weight is just not coming off...

    I was always fearful of butter, so never used it..... Then i weighted out a serving size and logged it.... its 36 calories for 5g and 5g is plenty of butter to fry to eggs in. I love my butter fired eggs :)
  13. S

    The weight is just not coming off...

    Sounds like you eat the right foods, But its the quantity i would question. Get a calorie tracker like My Fitness Pal Punch in your details here Calorie Calculator - Scooby's Home Workouts Then customise your macros in MFP Give it three weeks then ajust up or down
  14. S

    Lunch ideas?

    Why not enjoy the food and fuel yourself at the same time? I refuse to eat shit food for the sake of it
  15. S

    Weet-Bix vs Vita Brits

    Havent had either for over 10 years But, I did like to have my wheat bix in the microwave like a porridge Cereal is a shit meal anyway, OK for desert, but thats about it.
  16. S

    Lunch ideas?

    My misuses makes patties out of chicken mince, feta and herbs/spices. Delish cold. and a easy way to eat a shit load of chicken
  17. S

    Is a calorie a calorie

    i follow IIFYM for a few reason, So i can log all my calories and track what im eating, Because i know i love all foods and refuse to deprive myself of anyone thing. In saying that, il take whole and home cooked food over take away ect any day, Yes il have a Cheeseburger when its 2am and im...
  18. S

    Post up what you are eating

    Just smashed 250g basa fillet, lightly coated in wholemeal flour, S&P and pan fried, Squeeze of lemon and oregano over the top 150g of BBQ roasted sweet potato very nice, but it didn't even touch the sides.
  19. S

    Cigarettes Alternative

    i smoked from 14-18, For me it got to a point of they just disgusted me and taking a drag would make me gag. Now i cant even stand the smell let alone think to have one. The thought makes me sick. Somethings needs to click and the person must do it for them self My dad was a heavy drinker and...
  20. S

    Sumo wrestler's

    I came across something interesting today. Most people talk about loosing weight ect Sumo's need to gain weight, and lots of it. from hundreds of years back the sumo tradition is to eat as much as possible, then they take a nap after every meal. This is said to store everything as fat. Now...