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  1. K

    Comments on my deadlift

    Yeah i thought that too. Silverback, i disagree. With a deadlift you should be pulling back not up. Pretend your falling backwards. It should also grind across the shin if done properly.
  2. K

    Comments on my deadlift

    I think your hips/ass are a little too high, drop it a little. Also your back is rounded.
  3. K

    Max's trip to the Worlds

    Congrats Max. Well done. Sounds like an awesome trip. Wish i could have gone and competed too.
  4. K

    Max's trip to the Worlds

    That's what they're used for Markos. Get him to take 4-6 before bed and he should feel better in the morning.
  5. K

    Max's trip to the Worlds

    Hey Markos why don't u go to the chemist and see if u can get max some melatonin? Posted via Mobile Device
  6. K

    Max's trip to the Worlds

    Sounds like u guys r having fun. If Gold's Venice is so shit why are there so many pros lifting there? Btw good luck. Posted via Mobile Device
  7. K

    Lost shoes from CAPO NATIONALS

    Too bad they don't do the same for the user...lol Posted via Mobile Device
  8. K

    CAPO National titles

    Was a good day, awesome atmosphere. Got to see some pretty massive lifts. I think gawains lifts are the ones that will stick in my head. Just the way he'd approach the lift and then smash them like they warmups. Also Dereck Boyers deadlift. The guy is a unit. I had a pretty bad day. I got a...
  9. K

    Ptc ppp

    You should still be able to do it. Spiros is doing the same thing ATM. Give it a shot and if you find yourself failing don't restrict your calories as much. It'll just mean that it will take you a little longer to reach your cutting goals. Posted via Mobile Device
  10. K

    Best test of strength?

    There's too much technique involved with muscle ups. I can do twenty chins and well over twenty dips but can't do a single muscle up. Posted via Mobile Device
  11. K

    AUSBB Strength Record Board

    Yeah, i've done all of them. I did 135kg x 20 @ 83kg a while ago. my results SQUAT DOUBLE BODYWEIGHT = 2.18 x BW SQUAT 1.5 TIMES BODYWEIGHT X 20 = 1.63 x 20 BENCH PRESS 1.5 TIMES BODYWEIGHT = 1.92 x BW BENCH PRESS BODYWEIGHT X 10 = 24 reps in 1 minute DEADLIFT 2.5 TIMES BODYWEIGHT = 3.23 x BW...
  12. K

    Best test of strength?

    I'd say Atlas stone would be a pretty good one. Or else, for me it'd have to be the deadlift. It requires you to use more parts of your body. You don't really work your grip or your lats in a squat.
  13. K

    CAPO in Sydney

    I kind of a agree with you on the heeled shoe bit but not on the squat stand. Nobody is bringing in their own squat stand at a comp. Everyone on the day will be squatting with the same piece of equipment so no one has an advantage. They may not add anything to the lift... yet. One day...
  14. K

    CAPO in Sydney

    If your worried about ****ing up your knees in the 1-2mins it takes for you to do a single attempt cos your knees aren't warm, you have much bigger issues to worry about then sleeves.
  15. K

    CAPO in Sydney

    The Markos' point is of simplicity. If you had a 100% RAW comp then you'd know you couldn't use anything at all. There would be no need for rules for how thick a belt is? what kinda material are the sleeves made of... etc. What if a manufacture of knee sleeves starts making them with a slightly...
  16. K

    CAPO National titles

    I think they were given special permission cos he entered last minute and had no chance of getting one in time.
  17. K

    [Article] 12 Steps to a big bench - How to bench more weight by Dave Tate

    Why would you wanna bench slower? Can't you focus on technique and bench fast at the same time?
  18. K

    A crash course on how to prep for WA Open... in 38 hours!

    your technique looks alright, your shoulders maybe a lil too far forwards though, they should be behind the bar. Other pointers i can give u r: - feet should be hip width and heels as close to the bar as you can - don't sit in the start position for too long. You have about 3-4secs before you...
  19. K

    A crash course on how to prep for WA Open... in 38 hours!

    another bit of advice, that Markos gave us PTC guys, is to stay warm between ur attempts. By that, i don't mean keep doing warm up sets, just rug up. Keep ur jumper and trackies on between attempts, as u may have to wait a while before u lift again. BTW good luck.
  20. K

    CAPO National titles

    That sucks Nick. I'll probably try for the Deadlift Comp too. Hopefully pull 270kg by then. That's gonna be a massive crew for PTC. Good to see Spiros lifting again. I managed to cut about 5kg, i felt ****ed Saturday morning though, was all delirious and shit. Anyone else feel like that after...