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Hey Guys :)



Hey guys, I am your regular short and skinny (55kg) 15 Year old kid. I started working out in 2008 at home for about a month with no knowledge on what I was doing, pretty much all the bicep training you can imagine for an hour then hitting up the McDonalds and chips for a nice snack, after about a month of training and minor improvement I gave up.

After gaining a lot of knowledge and storing it in my head, three weeks ago I decided to start again only this time the proper way. I have gained a few kilos in the three weeks and since I like the community here and since you have been in the game longer then I have, I thought I would show my training routine and ask for tips.

This training routine is done 4x a week, Monday – Thursday for Day 1 and Tuesday – Friday for Day 2, each exercise has 3 sets and 10-12 Reps.

Day 1-Chest, Back, and Arms
Incline Press
Flat Dumbbell Press
Incline Flyes
One Arm Rows
Two Arm Rows
Dumbbell Curl
Incline Curls
Barbell Curls

Day 2-Shoulders, Legs, and Abs
Military Press
Barbell Upright Rows
Bent Over Lateral Raises
Calf Raises
Sit Ups
Leg Raises
Knee Ins

Any constructive criticism will be appreciated, As for my Diet I try and eat as much as I can. I have about 6 meals a day, 2 hours apart with protein shakes before and after workouts.

Thanks you :)
Hi Buddy.
Too many isolations exercises there.
Try 3 full body workouts per week/

Bench Press
Military Press.

Search for sample training routines, there's plenty of them
Thanks a-lot fellas :)
I will change up my workout and read those 2 articles.
Any other tips? =]

Eat more.
No, more.
You find it hard to eat more? Tough. I'll bet you find it hard to lift more, too - but that's how you get stronger and bigger.
Eat more :)
All this "eat more" business will only make you fatter.

It should read- Exercise like your life depends on it, because it does...the rest looks after itself.

I'm thinking more and more that this in vs out thought is flawed, it only makes you hungry and you end up eating more than you require.

I see many kids do a half arsed workout then quickly run into the change room and prepare their shake.
i'm with SS on this one. The mentality of 'eat a tone', while is valid & good...is flawed. Going into the gym & doing an almost worth it workout, then eating far more than you require (and thus gaining too much fat) IMO is not worth it. If some miracle were to happen & you discovered the optimal nutritional requirements for yourself, say of 3506 calories to build muscle, eating 7000 wont build twice the amount of muscle.
youre missing the point.

No ones saying stuff yourself with 9000 calories of doughnuts a day.

PB have you even read the newsletter links a few posts up? Eat a clean diet with enough clean calories to exceed your daily resting metabolism requirements and you will gain size. Lift heavy and do intense cardio and you will gain the right size.

Yes you can BUST YOUR ASS in the gym but if you still eat less then a 12yo girl how do expect to grow? where is you body going to build this muscle mass you want from? Youll get stronger slowly if you dont eat like you mean it.
Eat good food and you will still get fat if you dont do enough day to day.
This becomes quite clear as you age.

Good results in the gym will reflect your weekly habits.
If you're going to insult people, use the proper words, like "arse" instead of "rectum", either be polite and don't insult, or insult properly, don't be a wuss about it, it's just words online, nobody is going to run off and cut their throat because you called them a cocksmock.

I don't think you understood what he was writing. He's 15 years old, and underweight. Putting on some fat along with his muscle is the least of his worries, his age is a natural steroid, it will help him grow muscle and once the muscle is grown, lose fat.

When he's 35 it'll be different. But he's 15.
If you're going to insult people, use the proper words, like "arse" instead of "rectum", either be polite and don't insult, or insult properly, don't be a wuss about it, it's just words online, nobody is going to run off and cut their throat because you called them a cocksmock.

I don't think you understood what he was writing. He's 15 years old, and underweight. Putting on some fat along with his muscle is the least of his worries, his age is a natural steroid, it will help him grow muscle and once the muscle is grown, lose fat.

When he's 35 it'll be different. But he's 15.

Well there you go.
He's 15 years old, and underweight. .

I think you have jumped the gun with the underweight assessment as we don't even know his height (he said he's short...however short that is).
He may well be underweight, but I'm not sure we have the info to know that yet.

He's also said he eats as much as he can...sounds like he doesn't need to be told to eat even more again.
But again, we can't actually determine if it is too much, just right or too little unless we know what and how much he is actually eating.

I am not trying to join in any on argument btw.

SKcandyman, I really don't think you could go wrong with the advice of PTC or Fadi.
Fadi has quite a few threads around with valuable information on training and diet, and PTC has the results with his clients to back up what he says in threads and his newsletters.

Best of luck :)
I was a perfect example of under-eating when I 1st started training - by under-eating I prob ate 2,500-3,000 cals a day - I was 16, around 80kgs, training with 5 x 5, and trying to get strong, big.

I got NOWHERE with this thinking - I was 16, active, training, - do I need to say 16 again - high test, body would burn up everything when I was this age!

I got my shit together and changed my diet and this is what it was - I went from 80-95kgs - my BF% went up of course but not a huge amount - this was prob over about a yr.

Meal 1:
eggs - sometimes bacon or pancakes

Meal 2:
weight gain shake


beef burgers made from kangaroo mince or beef mince

Meal 3:
700g mince/steak
1/2 - 1 cup rice

Meal 4:
700g-1kg mince/steak
1/2-1 cup rice

Meal 5:
dinner - normally whatever the fam had - but normally steak, veggies, potatoes, sweet potato, rice, pasta etc etc

Meal 6:
1-2L of milk
3 scoops of protein powder

During the day id sometimes have a glass of milk with my meals or have a protein bar between meals - then 2-3 times a week have a pizza and garlic bread.

For example when I was 16 I was squatting about 110 by the end of the yr and training with 5 x 5, 3 x 3 - I was upto 190kg squat.

When your that age - keep your cals high, keep them pretty clean but your body will take in a shit load without gaining to much extra bodyfat.

You'd be surprised how much your body really needs when your in your teens.
Dude, seriously having 1kg of mince in one sitting is ludicrous. even I never have more than 250-300gms unless dining out once in a while and having a 500gm rump :)
Yeah, but he was 16.

If the stupidest thing a kid of mine does at 16 is to eat a kg of meat at one sitting, I'll be overjoyed :p