Josh is on the right track, recomending a full body workout for you.
You should aim to do this at least 2 to 3 times a week. as you are a beginner, just body weight would probably suffice. Think about the main areas of your body and complete a set of excecises for each one.. repeat.
for example:
Chest/ arms - Push ups
Back/ arms - chin ups
Legs/bum/abs/heart/shoulders - SQUATS (a must)with an overhead press
set yourself a rep range i.e 10-12
therefore for the above 3 excecises
you could complete 3 circuits of the following:
push ups 10-12
chin ups 10-12 (a tough ask)
squats with press 10-12
that in total is almost 120 reps a week towards your goal.
the trick is to add intensity as you progress, for example when you can pump out 12 push ups like a walk in the park, its time to increase the difficulty, i.e doing them with you feet elevated, doing them at a slower/faster pace, doing them one handed, doing them with your 8 year old sitting on your back (not recommended
) you get the idea, apply thie to the other simple excesises in the abouve routine and you will develop a workout that is forever challenging, which is exactly what you need to keep in greatr shap, as your body will soon learn to handle the work you need to keep it guessing.
of course if you wish and when you advance in your fitness, there are endless variations and additions for you to consider.
How long do I need to do them? aim for about 30mins
How often? 2-3 times a week perhaps alternate with your treadmill workouts
Which is the best way to do the weights to strengthen upper arms and gain muscle please? see above
my advice atm is start out basic. record your results and HAVE FUN!!