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I will be sure to watch out anyway shrek, going there because my mate and his misses both turn 40 this year so a bunch of us are all going. It's all couples with kids so doubt it will get to outrageous but should be a lot of fun.
Take kids to Bali. Geez what happened to Movie World and Water World?
Expose my kids to a shit place like Bali...no way.
There is good an bad everywhere shrek. We will stay in a private villa so the kids arent going to see to much shite. If you venture out of the tacky holiday towns the country, culture and culinary delights are all good. But each to their own, I have been to many countries around the world and there is always good and bad to be found it just depends what you are looking for.
Bali isn't all Kuta and Aussie bogans....if you actually spend a bit of money and venture out of the areas that Aussies have ruined you'll eat meals better than the best restaurants in Australia for half the price (most of the chefs and produce are from here after all) and stay in 5 star luxury for 1/4 of the price compared to holidaying locally.

The only "danger" comes from tight ass Aussies who want a cheap bender type holiday. Think they can get full of piss and do whatever they want in someone else's country with complete disrespect for local laws and traditions.
Do you have goal weight?
83kg at this stage but once I get to that weight I'll have a look in the mirror and see if I'd like to go lower

At a guess my current bodyfat is 17% which puts my lean body mass at around 70.5kg-71kg, with that in mind 12% bodyfat would be a bit over 80kg which would be a nice goals to achieve I think.

Really depends on how I'm feeling and looking. Plus how my competition is doing cause I wanna win this thing :)
I have no interest in Bali either but my objection has nothing to do with Indonesia. Bali is polluted with a concentration of the worst elements of Australian culture. I don't need more of that.

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