I'm well aware of this Fadi and I know you won't agree with this nor would I expect you to since that is part of your belief but having state and religion in one is a dangerous thing, very evident when you look at the state of affairs in the middle east..
The state of affairs in the middle east? Who's governing in the middle east Darkoz?
I would really want to believe this Fadi but actions speak louder than words and this is not what I see happening around the world
The Muslim world has been oppressed and suppressed from the inside out Darkoz. Are you aware of what is happening in "democratic" Egypt for example, the largest Muslim Arab country today? Who is protecting its president and backing him up? Is its president presiding for the people or over the people? Yes you're 100% right there, actions most certainly speak louder than words. Then we move onto a so called Islamic country like Saudi Arabia, again here actions speak much louder than words, and who is the protector of said country?!
My thoughts are 100% with you on this however, that's not the reality we see happening.
And I have to say, if the majority of muslims practice a peaceful religion then why are they not doing anything about the so-called minority who terroize and mass murder in the name of Islam, Seems to me that muslims should bear the responsibility for these people since it's their religion that's been used for evil.[/QUOTE]When the atheists such as yourself Darkoz begin to take full blame for the atrocities that are occurring around the world under the banner of secularism, then I might consider taking the blame for what some nutcases do in the name of Islam. I wouldn't even hold you responsible for some negative actions that your adult son would commit, let alone hold a whole community responsible for the actions of a few.
If you're not satisfied with my reply above (and you believe that actions speak louder than words), I ask you then, what actions would you like me to take against those ISIS members who are committing every atrocity under the sun in the name of Islam? Just few days ago, an ex-Australian soldier Jamie Bright, was killed fighting ISIS in Syria. No, he was not commended by our foreign minister or made into some form hero. We were told (based on his actions),
not to fight (physically fight with your own precious life put on the line) ISIS on behalf of Australia a it's against the law.
I resent being held responsible for abhorrent actions being committed by others who hold to the same faith I do. If you don't mind me pointing the finger at you at any given time some atheist kills, rape, or otherwise, then please do your best to not hold me responsible for the actions taken by others, actions I have no control over. You know I have my own self and my girls here to be a dad to. My ultimate responsibility begins here. You are a witness (right now) on a public forum, to the words I am writing about those so called Muslims. Others may go on TV, or whatever, everyone does their bit in the way they can. I can tell you (on this public forum) , that I as a Muslim, ought not to be trusted by other Muslims who have any ill will towards this country, because if I'm able, I would place them under citizen arrest myself before calling the police.
I think sometimes you lose sight of the fact that we both live here (in OZ) with our families, and what harms and affects you negatively, would do the same to me also. So we're in it together (one for this country), and we ought to start seeing it that way, instead of you looking at me as some foreigner based on my belief. That is all.