How BIG Is Your Food Plate?
Ok, so your aim is to pack on the beef yeh? What’s the size of your food plate? If it’s your normal average family sized food plate, then you’re in the majority. Would you like to know how some people in the minority do their thing? Good, let’s roll then…
First let’s go to the gym. You’re hungry for a top workout but end up for whatever reason, with a mediocre one. You go home and an hour or so later your bodybuilding friend John pops over to see you. The conversation takes you to the way you’re feeling about the night’s workout session at the gym. So John upon hearing your disappointment says to you: “it’s not too late, the gym is open for 24 hours, so let’s go and smash some iron again Jack”!
What would you do in that case? Are you in the mood to do what you should have done when you were in the gym earlier on? No thanks, I just wanna put my feet up and hope it doesn’t happen tomorrow because every single workout counts.
Now, how big did you say your plate was? Not big enough hey! Well, it’s time to go shopping for a decent sized plate a la famous restaurants with their big plates, small amount of food and huge price tags! Ok, so I’m exaggerating a bit but you get the picture.
Ok, so you’ve bought your special plate; now what? Now you fill it all up so you do not see that huge plate anymore but only the food that occupies it. I can hear some of you asking; couldn’t we just get up and add some more food if we’re still hungry. Yes of course you could do that; the same way you could have gone back to the gym for another workout or at least to rectify the previous one.
Since a young age we’ve been told to finish our plate or we won’t grow to be tough and strong like Mr. or Ms. X. Well at least that piece of psychology stayed with this writer. So the way I do it now, is I take advantage of that mentality and I use it to my advantage before I add food to my plate. If it’s add on beef season, then plenty of muscle food would go on my plate and all would have to be finished; just like my workout has to finish on a high note.
Some of you may laugh at this very simple article with its simple message. But it’s often the simple steps we take on the road to getting massive that really and truly count.
PS: This idea can work in reverse as well. Not so much in getting an extra small plate when dieting, but rather filling that normal plate to the rim so mentally at least, your subconscious mind can be truly satisfied instead of feeling deprived. What the eye can see, the mind will perceive (or is that the other way around now)?!!!

All the very best to each and everyone on your journey to improving yourselves.
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