Since we are in the bodybuilding thread why don't you post a pick of those massive quads you promised us.
lol your such a fool, you have no idea.
the stomach grows depending on how much you put in it. smaller more frequent meals means it clears and never reaches the size of huge meals.
pretty simple really. think about it.
Your guts grow because you are too fat.
Your still putting the same food in it. Unless you are shitting 6 times a day. Once for every meal you eat. Otherwise basically the same volume is there. Lol.
JZ only eats a couple meals. Was a massive gut he has.
speak for yourself!
take a step back and think about it! also yes, eating more frequent usually results in more shits per day. it gets everything flowing nicely.
theres more than calories in vs calories out.
eating more frequent results in more
Kobayashi, can eat 66 hot dogs in 12 min. Huge distended gut
your not worth responding to
typically taking something and twisting it to your liking. completely out of context.
manybe if you ate like i do, you wouldn't be a fat kunce!
Check the GI levels mate, and did you have that pasta after 7pm because that would increase bloat by 200% if you did..A big bowl of pasta bloats me
I heard it was 250%Check the GI levels mate, and did you have that pasta after 7pm because that would increase bloat by 200% if you did..
your the one who preaches bs around here, why don't you enlighten us?
Why so much hatred within bodybuilding? We're all trying to reach the same goal, doesn't matter if we choose to do it differently!
Same church different denominations hey?
What about the atheist bodybuilders.