Puppy Kunce
Love the Mexican!
Enter one of the new brewing companies over here... Meant to be a kilo I think. Pulled pork mmmmyeah need to make an epic plate of nachos
guzman is great stuff!
I did the mad mex 1kg burrito in 3m30sI think it tasted ok haha
The stuff I had in San Diego was LEGIT. AMAZING flavours. Unlikely to be very macro friendly haha
Not yet mane, I'm past there fairly regularly just haven't gotten around to it yet. Is it owned by the same people as the Pantry?
well when you do find one we should do an Ausbb meet and greet to christen the place and slay some Mexican biatches...I'm gonna make it a mission Neddy, gonna find a good Mexican joint with hot Latina waitresses, is what I'm gonna do.
You had yourself a Royale Brothers burger yet @Repacked ; ?