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How young is too young?


Too young?


That's what some are saying, as 14-year-old Cosmo Taylor makes headlines as the world's youngest competitive body builder.

Taylor comes from a family of fitness enthusiasts, and started training three years ago at age 11.

He spends one hour each day lifting weights, as well as regular cardio work before school, reports the Telegraph.

"The gym is my life," Cosmo told the Telegraph. "I love lifting and I love the buzz I get when I hit a personal best or see growth in my muscles. At the moment, I weigh 73kg, but eventually I want to hit around 90-95kg."

Cosmo's dad is also a bodybuilder.

My dad has always been my inspiration - ever since I was a little boy, all I've wanted to do is step on stage," Cosmo said.

"Dad has encouraged me every step of the way - he's my coach, my gym buddy and my training partner.

"My friends at school are fascinated by my physique because most of them haven't started going to the gym yet," Cosmo added. "They ask me questions all day long about how to get bigger arms and how to pump up your chest.

Some of my male teachers laugh and joke about how they'd love to have a body like mine too."

With the wave of headlines, comes the negative feedback from people who are saying Cosmo is too young to be bodybuilding.

Do you agree, or do you think he is a good influence on other children his age?

14 year old Cosmo posing ahead of his first show

I think a safe age to start training is around 13-14 - at 13 maybe just some bodyweight style stuff, start get them going some explosive style things to build strength/speed like box jumps, sprints, band work, variations of bodyweight exercises - once someone hits 14-15 I can't see an issue with them starting a "full on" style program.
I think a safe age to start training is around 13-14 - at 13 maybe just some bodyweight style stuff, start get them going some explosive style things to build strength/speed like box jumps, sprints, band work, variations of bodyweight exercises - once someone hits 14-15 I can't see an issue with them starting a "full on" style program.

11 replies and only one sensible one that contributes anything, and they wonder why this forum is a laughing stock amongst serious trainers.
11 replies and only one sensible one that contributes anything, and they wonder why this forum is a laughing stock amongst serious trainers.


Rugby's probably closest... 15 start progressing, anything before should be lightweight baby. Growth plates still developing.

TRT by 18 gtg.

But yeah... his head is a little big for his frame.

I really don't like where his future is heading.
My mate has started his kid on protein powder. Not for lifting purposes of muscle growth or anything to supplement his diet he feeds him of regular hungry jacks..........but to increase his height. Then claims he grew about an inch in a few weeks to a month.

Mate, he is 12, it is called puberty and still growing. WTF is wrong with some people. Swear he read it in a dolly magazine.

No the kid isn't fat at all, just mentioned maccas due to showing how well good his diet is
11 replies and only one sensible one that contributes anything, and they wonder why this forum is a laughing stock amongst serious trainers.
Maybe its because they have no sense of humour.
A serious trainer can laugh you know. It won't hinder gainz.
My opinion is if he wants to lift then that's great. Competing in shows and trying to get so lean is not great.
Young boys at that age should be eating to grow not dieting down for bodybuilding comps.
Kinda in two minds about this... i think he's way too young to shred/compete.

On the other hand it's good he lifts... i use to lift a lot of things on the farm when i was his age.