SupplierUncle.. bully?
I was prescribed it in December, when I started using. I'd never use without a script for legal and safety reasons. I was deadlifting 240kg at the time and deadlifted 250kg 2 weeks after I got my script. I was not hypogonadal in any way but went to a specialist HRT clinic. Doctors these days put more value on quality of life than treating "illness". I didn't jew the system in any way and was completely honest
I'm still finding it hard to swallow that even at specialist clinic would put you on "TRT" if your levels weren't below normal though. What did you say "hey i want some legit test or I'll just buy illegal shit"? Or did you convince them that your quality of life would suffer without it.
What evidence do you have to support your hypothesis
'TRT' the new word for user.
That's my pointnothing new about it Darkoz. A lot of athletes have cheated under the guise of TRT.
'TRT' the new word for user.
0ni has bragged on other forums how his 'uncle' or family friend is an Endo who supplies him his gear.I think most of us here realise Onis stories are bullshit.
Maybe Oni has said his bullshit stories enough that he now even believes them.
Any extra for ancillaries and pct meds?
Don't forget the time he claimed he wasn't making any progress because of his dicky thyroidIf you remember Oni's photo from one of his teenage Birthday parties you could see he had woeful testosterone levels. I assume the result of his parents forcing vegetarism on him and his endurance pursuits. If Oni had of applied for TRT back then before he started lifting I suspect he might have got TRT, but I'm no Endo.
Don't forget the time he claimed he wasn't making any progress because of his dicky thyroid![]()
What evidence do you have to support your hypothesis