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It seems pretty cheap these days.

Who uses?
What noticeable difference?
How much do you use?
Pros and cons please

Thank you
I use them. Notice less fucked after sets, can rest less. Only started due to Mrs training with me as she got attracted to the marketing
Taste nice though... Glad we have it
Which do you use CT?

I like the idea of them but the Bulk Nutrients. BCAAs I have are like attempting to drink liquified cardboard - absolutely unbearable lol no matter what I mix it with all I can taste is them.
I use them when on a resricted calorie diet.

On waking before fasted cardio, and before weight training.

10grams x 2 a day.
I take 10g per day .. easy add protein macros.
Especially when I do KB training (6am and otherwise fasted training).

Not sure about effects. I've been using them for about 3 years now. Don't think they have made any difference to me in terms of recovery, certainly no difference in terms of training performance during a workout. But then, it's hard to know given there are usually other factors in play.

I use them on the basis of easy protein macros mostly. Relatively, the cost is not high so good value in that sense.
I find they are particularly good on lower cal days obviously.
I have been using them for maybe three months without any noticeable effect though I am concentrating on bodyweight exercises at the moment so maybe I might notice some benfit if I was using free weights but I am not convinced.

I just use a scoop per day added to protein powder and mixed into vegetable juice after my workout.

I probably won't buy any more when this runs out. I also thought that the product would contain all of the amino acids but I think it only contains four and supposedly that's normal said the guy at the supplement shop. I am new to it so don't know enough about supplements yet.

So far the only ones I have noticed a difference with are Raw Vit D3, Selenium, and Glucosamine (for a damaged knee).

I don't understand why you would mix them with protein powder.

Would this read right Shrek?

Would about 20g of BCAAs be enough to see any immediate effect?
which I think would take about 80g of whey.

Now that there are products that get you 20g of BCAAs at a reasonable cost that's the way to go, if it wasn't available, You'd take the 80g of whey?
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I doubt it, @Silverbackl;

I've taken 15g in one go pre workout and I'm not wholly convinced of an immediate effect at all.

Now 15g for my body mass would probably exceed 20g for the average guy on this forum (I'm 47kg).

You'd really have to compare it to not taking it on days when all other factors are equal and that's not necessarily easy to do.

But totally agree with the value argument.

ps why would you take it with protein powder and in veg juice? ewwww.
It seems pretty cheap these days.

Who uses?
What noticeable difference?
How much do you use?
Pros and cons please

Thank you

Got some free with protein powder once.

No noticeable difference.

10-30 grams before lifting.

Pros. It was free.
Cons. Generally it's not free. Would never pay money for it.
Would this read right Shrek?

Would about 20g of BCAAs be enough to see any immediate effect?
which I think would take about 80g of whey.

Now that there are products that get you 20g of BCAAs at a reasonable cost that's the way to go, if it wasn't available, You'd take the 80g of whey?
I take 10-15gms and drink it during workouts. It's cheap and 1kg lasts a few months.
Does it do anything, I dunno but like i said it's cheap and keeps me hydrated during training. :)
I don't understand why you would mix them with protein powder.

This protein already has the BCAA's.

I also thought that the product would contain all of the amino acidsLobo

What would make you think that? It contains the BCAA's that would be the point of buying BCAA's.

Would about 20g of BCAAs be enough to see any immediate effect?

What effects are you looking for?? It's only BCAA's. Won't do anything that a bit of meat or protein powder won't do.

Used to buy the BN ones and add them to my intra workout drink with some creatine, I think it was about 15-20 grams per serve and 5-10 grams of creatine. Never noticed it do anything. Liked the tase of them (orange) Went through about two kilos, have not used them for ages now and noted no difference.

Same with protein powder, have not used any since the NB fiasco (apart from the odd shake may be 2 per week) and made no difference at all, as a matter of fact, I am going better without any of it.
There's no real major benefit to taking BCAA's if your diet is providing enough protein and calories.

In a defecit however, the concept is that the branch chained amino acids are broken down as priority for energy over the catabolism of muscle tissue.

Train somewhat fasted and smash a good quantity of BCAA's and youll probably smell like cat piss (ammomia) afterwards, a sign that nitrogen compounds are being metabolised.

There are supposed to be some other benefits, such as Leucine being a signaller for muscle anabolism blah blah whatever.
This protein already has the BCAA's.

What would make you think that? It contains the BCAA's that would be the point of buying BCAA's.

What effects are you looking for?? It's only BCAA's. Won't do anything that a bit of meat or protein powder won't do.

Used to buy the BN ones and add them to my intra workout drink with some creatine, I think it was about 15-20 grams per serve and 5-10 grams of creatine. Never noticed it do anything. Liked the tase of them (orange) Went through about two kilos, have not used them for ages now and noted no difference.

Same with protein powder, have not used any since the NB fiasco (apart from the odd shake may be 2 per week) and made no difference at all, as a matter of fact, I am going better without any of it.

If you remember, [MENTION=6722]Bazza20[/MENTION]; and myself did make that recomendation to you.
It's not as bad as it sounds with the vegetable juice:-) and I like carrot and celery juice.

The reason I mix it with protein powder is because I don't have a clue which is why I came on here...to learn:-). Also it was recommended by a guy called Mike Thiga and I am doing his bodyweight programme at the moment but he also recommends protein powder as well as the BCAA's so I guess originally I thought they were different things.

So I guess what your saying is that there is no need for BCAA's if you are taking protein powder?
There's no real major benefit to taking BCAA's if your diet is providing enough protein and calories.

In a defecit however, the concept is that the branch chained amino acids are broken down as priority for energy over the catabolism of muscle tissue.

Train somewhat fasted and smash a good quantity of BCAA's and youll probably smell like cat piss (ammomia) afterwards, a sign that nitrogen compounds are being metabolised.

There are supposed to be some other benefits, such as Leucine being a signaller for muscle anabolism blah blah whatever.

It's all up in the air.

The pros and cons of BCAA supplements | KeysNews.com

What supplements can do is burn a hole in the pocket.
Someone gave some, I'll use em.
I found this quote on another thread 'Right now I'm using Mass Fusion mass gainer... I want to add BCAAs, Creatine, and probably Alinine to it'

So maybe other people saw BCCAA's as I did. A separate supplement to protein powder (I also look at mass gainers as being protein powders as well since they usually have x amount of whey, etc). If it is not a separate supplement then I am happy to scrap it as I saw no difference from taking it.