He is in his mid 20's
I hate to use this as an example as im not of the same calibre or inspire for the same goals, Arnold. Steroids since he was 16-17.
He is in his mid 20's
but a person 50kg is going to have alot smaller wrists than a person 150kg
I hate to use this as an example as im not of the same calibre or inspire for the same goals, Arnold. Steroids since he was 16-17.
Eating a surplus of food isn't going to speed up the "rate" of muscle growth.
I started off at 51-52kg with 4.5inch wrists, I fucking kid you not, I felt I was hitting the upper limit of what my body could maintain.
Use of anabolics to aid me in my goals was my choice. Yes over time I could have amassed a greater weight than I'm currently at without anabolics, agreed.
However It's undeniable that anabolics can accelerate this process and I believe moderately dosed and spaced cycles can minimize any detrimental health consequences.
Go crazy on food? End up a fat blob or look like a powerlifter, Nty.
So before you started lifting you were 51kg. In 3 years you got up to 70kg & you think it's all downhill from there??
Mate, your delusional... Not even joking. I'm nearly 40 & sitting on 93kg's/13% BF with close to a 6 pack. I've built an incredible amount of muscle & strength in the last 5 years lifting. Personally, I don't think anyone can EVER say that they've reached there genetic potential, ESPECIALLY at 23yrs old.
go and see some of the older guys who have been lifting/training for 30 -50 years
Dido I started at 14 or 15 as a 65 kg 168 cm kid well I'm still 168 cm tho lol I've goton up to 90 kgs I'm on a cut, this morning I'm 82.5 down 8 kgs in 10 weeks barely any muscle loss all naturally as well I'm hoping to hit 10 % bf on around 77 78 kgs.. It's a slower process natty but it can be done. I'd rather be 75 kgs at 10 % bf than 90 at 18% ,75 at 10% will dwarf 90...I would of worked with what u had first potential wise. I will hitting first cycle I'm my
- Cycle in my 30s most likely..juice isn't bad drugs booze n cigarettes are far worse (statistics) but juice is bad for those wanting a quick fix I'm 28 I'm not old or young but I know summer juices are the worst..u still have to earn and learn that muscle regardless of aas or natty. Either way its your decision if people can't change your mind at least they can advise u the right way to it good luck
Well for starters it's illegal. So yes, they are bad drugs. If your not doing it for medical reasons then you've got no valid reason to do it IMO.
If you do use drugs purely for aesthetic reasons, then your just as bad as any other summer juicer.
Well for starters it's illegal. So yes, they are bad drugs. If your not doing it for medical reasons then you've got no valid reason to do it IMO.
If you do use drugs purely for aesthetic reasons, then your just as bad as any other summer juicer.
Well for starters it's illegal. So yes, they are bad drugs. If your not doing it for medical reasons then you've got no valid reason to do it IMO.
If you do use drugs purely for aesthetic reasons, then your just as bad as any other summer juicer.
Very simplistic and obnoxious view.
Alcohol or ciggys are worse for your body than a moderate dose of roids taken with care and proper precautions such as organ protecting herbs etc.