Hmm I was fine. It is a learning curve & intimidating at times. But I always travelled alone.
Brisbane to Brunei, Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, India, London (lived here for 5 years) then travelled all over Europe, sometimes alone, sometimes with others. Then across to NY for almost two years, then moved to Canada.
I was living & working in London, earning British pounds, so traveling was indecently cheap! $50 pounds to go on the Eurostar to France for a long weekend! Ridiculously cheap! I have an EU passport, because my father is English & I had a working holiday visa for Canada. Sophie's father is Canadian & she was born there, so I gained permanent residency, also have a 10 year green card for the U.S, which is still valid & I'll need to renew at some point.
So the answer is, no its not expensive if you're working for their currency. Travel is cheap in Europe. Travel is cheap between Canada & the U.S. It's all relative.
The most intimidating countries for me, were all of the middle east. Maybe because I was a young woman alone, I don't know. But jesus those men eye raped me. It was a bit scary lol
But everywhere is interesting & colourful & a massive learning experience. I was never mugged or treated poorly. I never lost any luggage. I was never kidnapped or hurt. I never had any issues, ever, in all of my 12 years abroad.
Its a journey.
Be brave. Take a breath & leap.
There are literally 100's of friends out there you haven't met yet, waiting for you to arrive
I can't even tell you how many birthdays, xmas's, new years were spent with odd strangers who became lifelong friends. Its a whole new world out there, full of strange, interesting, incredible people.
Would do it all again in a heartbeat