Elegantly Wasted
I used to live on fast food, usually knocking it back anywhere from 4-6 times a week. I reckon I've eaten my way through the entire menu of Maccas, KFC, Hungry Jacks...
For the last 6-7 months my diet has been pretty much meat, fruit, nuts and veggies more than 90% of the time. Mostly cooked by me, lots of herbs - I love my food so it needs to taste great.
Had a situation the other day where my lunch was prepared for the day, but I got called out on a job and come 3.00pm I hadn't eaten since breakfast and I could have eaten someone's arm off.
Swang into the drivethrough of Maccas and order large Lamb Burger combo, cheeseburger, 6 nuggets and chocolate sundae. Tasted great as it went down in about 5 minutes, but man I felt really crook afterwards. Haven't drunk soft drink for the longest time, I ended up with headaches, farting like a trooper, gut pains and overall felt like shit.
Made me wonder how I ever survived on that type of food. It's amazing how your body "adapts" to what you put in it. Sometimes I get bored with eating chicken breast, and my brain starts teasing me on how good a quater pounder would tatse...
Having said that my home made hamburgers are totally awesome. Now I'm not saying I'll never eat fast food again, but it's amazing how crappy it can make you feel if you're not used to it.

For the last 6-7 months my diet has been pretty much meat, fruit, nuts and veggies more than 90% of the time. Mostly cooked by me, lots of herbs - I love my food so it needs to taste great.
Had a situation the other day where my lunch was prepared for the day, but I got called out on a job and come 3.00pm I hadn't eaten since breakfast and I could have eaten someone's arm off.
Swang into the drivethrough of Maccas and order large Lamb Burger combo, cheeseburger, 6 nuggets and chocolate sundae. Tasted great as it went down in about 5 minutes, but man I felt really crook afterwards. Haven't drunk soft drink for the longest time, I ended up with headaches, farting like a trooper, gut pains and overall felt like shit.
Made me wonder how I ever survived on that type of food. It's amazing how your body "adapts" to what you put in it. Sometimes I get bored with eating chicken breast, and my brain starts teasing me on how good a quater pounder would tatse...
Having said that my home made hamburgers are totally awesome. Now I'm not saying I'll never eat fast food again, but it's amazing how crappy it can make you feel if you're not used to it.