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Article on the ZZYZ subculture.

"Wasson is also a moderator on bodybuilding
forums and has developed a searing dislike and
moderate concern for the new breed of Zyzz

My hero
Even if it means taking copious amounts of steroids at 16?

No. but you are never going to stop people taking them (especially some kids)
Education can help with some but not all.

There's enough 16 year olds on roids already not just because of ZZYZ.

Meningitis outbreak in the US from legal medical steriods

And there's not an easy way of stopping some parents taking their kids to Thailand/India etc for HGH and other treatments to help them to become taller/better at sports/stronger etc and other stuff most doctors here won't do on under 18's.
No. but you are never going to stop people taking them (especially some kids)
Education can help with some but not all.

There's enough 16 year olds on roids already not just because of ZZYZ.

Meningitis outbreak in the US from legal medical steriods

And there's not an easy way of stopping some parents taking their kids to Thailand/India etc for HGH and other treatments to help them to become taller/better at sports/stronger etc and other stuff most doctors here won't do on under 18's.

Lex the article you posted is about tainted drug manufacturing. The drugs they are reffering to are catabolic not anabolic and their use is legit therapeutic.
Just shows the risk of legit drugs.

I thought most therapeutic steroids were corticosteroids

I can't follow what point your getting at. There is no correlation between someone getting a therapeutic cortisone shot and someone else pumpin test and gh. Its two totally different things, there is no benefit in abusing cortisol steroids. They don't make you swole, they just help people with chronic injuries function. Where is the link to the 'zyzz' subculture.
Just the risk of putting stuff into your system ,even legit , you can never rule out getting ill /bad effects.
Even if it means taking copious amounts of steroids at 16?

Then it's the 16 year olds choice .. I didn't see zyzz encouraging the use of steroids .. Prople make their own choices and if their dumb enough to start doing steroids at the age of 16 then they might do us all a favor bu eliminating themselves from the gene pool .
Then it's the 16 year olds choice .. I didn't see zyzz encouraging the use of steroids .. Prople make their own choices and if their dumb enough to start doing steroids at the age of 16 then they might do us all a favor bu eliminating themselves from the gene pool .

You do know he was an avid user of steroids dont you...? All his followers did. Hell, his brother even got done for the distribution of illigal substances.

He is the pin up boy for steroid use.... Though, now he is dead.

The use of steroids in teens has climbed dramatically.

ZZYZ has definitely been one of the reason for this, and they also take on some of his ridiculous characteristics.

Lex, WTF are you talking about, seriously?
You do know he was an avid user of steroids dont you...? All his followers did. Hell, his brother even got done for the distribution of illigal substances.

He is the pin up boy for steroid use.... Though, now he is dead.

The use of steroids in teens has climbed dramatically.

ZZYZ has definitely been one of the reason for this, and they also take on some of his ridiculous characteristics.

Lex, WTF are you talking about, seriously?

Yeh I guess you have some good points .. But take what you just said and replace zyzz with arnie .. Would have been accurate in his day no ? I do agree with the points you are making I just think in the end it's the individuals choice .. Just like everything these days something goes wrong and people look for something/someone to blame . People need to harden up and be responsible for their own actions .
The ones making arent the ones complaining though...... Yet.

The thing is, and I have no way to prove this nor back it up, I would think that the amount of steroids coming out of UGL's these days is MUCH greater than it was during the 70's when arnie was around, nor did he supply the Australian public with drugs.

Arnie wasnt an australian icon either.
This steroid poster boy who carried on like a moron got paid to go to people parties, influencing the impressionable.
Minchia speaks the truth ^^

I personally think zyzz had a positive impact on my journey thus far .. Seeing his videos and his physice definatly inspired me to get my act together and start taking my lifting serious .. Since then I have quit smoking , cut right down on drinking , completely stopped the drugs .. Whatever your reasons , lifting is a good addiction .

zyzz was a heavy drinker, heavy drug abuser. Don't know if he smoked but his brother chestbrah put the shaft of a cigarette in his mouth on video lmao. What a Sick kunt.
You all jelly!


you admiring them aesthetics, yeah mate, sick mate, haters gon hate.
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they be admiring... on Oxford St :p

They look ready for the Mardi Gras :D
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You all jelly!


you admiring them aesthetics, yeah mate, sick mate, haters gon hate.


Umad son ;)

Hahaha. Nah honestly, i grow up in south west Sydney, i'm 17 years old and i live and hear this shit every day. One of my best friends brothers just recently started cycling, and from what i've heard, he worked an office job in the city with one of the members of that aesthetics crew and that was his motivation to start his cycle, he got all the info etc from him and yeah..

I'm not gonna be an idiot and say i'd hate to have a shredded body with girls drooling everywhere i go, but i'm not gonna be like 99% of the rest of the gym population around my area and follow somebodies every move who is everybodies inspiration.

I actually know about 8 people who went and started cycling with my friend who i mentioned above a few months ago. At least half with absolutely no idea on anything, yeah they got a little bigger, but all it lead to was depression, anger and going back to where they started with an empty wallet.

Before starting on this forum, i had the same idea as everybody else, but it all came down to having no clue what i was doing, just like a lot of these other guys don't have any clue what their pumping into their bodies as well as no clue how to properly train to be honest.

I get looks and questions around the gym sometimes about why i train so different to everyone else but people respect me as well because they saw the amount of progress i've made in that year from my beginner strength program. My ultimate goal, is to show everybody that you can build a good physique with such training, without the use of synthetic hormones and spending $100's on supps.
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Umad son ;)

Hahaha. Nah honestly, i grow up in south west Sydney, i'm 17 years old and i live and hear this shit every day. One of my best friends brothers just recently started cycling, and from what i've heard, he worked an office job in the city with one of the members of that aesthetics crew and that was his motivation to start his cycle, he got all the info etc from him and yeah..

I'm not gonna be an idiot and say i'd hate to have a shredded body with girls drooling everywhere i go, but i'm not gonna be like 99% of the rest of the gym population around my area and follow somebodies every move who is everybodies inspiration.

I actually know about 8 people who went and started cycling with my friend who i mentioned above a few months ago. At least half with absolutely no idea on anything, yeah they got a little bigger, but all it lead to was depression, anger and going back to where they started with an empty wallet.

Before starting on this forum, i had the same idea as everybody else, but it all came down to having no clue what i was doing, just like a lot of these other guys don't have any clue what their pumping into their bodies as well as no clue how to properly train to be honest.

I get looks and questions around the gym sometimes about why i train so different to everyone else but people respect me as well because they saw the amount of progress i've made in that year from my beginner strength program. My ultimate goal, is to show everybody that you can build a good physique with such training, without the use of synthetic hormones and spending $100's on supps.

lmao, pic is golden.

and I think the problem is, none of them know how to cycle properly. More specifically, post cycle. They all get huge, but I don't think they keep it for too long. They all must be on some potent shit when it comes to 'shredding' too, that shit isn't something you want to fuck around with.

Surprising how common it really does seem.
They all must be on some potent shit when it comes to 'shredding' too, that shit isn't something you want to fuck around with.

Surprising how common it really does seem.
even Fitness Farce employees offer it to potential customers.. apparently... :D
SWH: You're a very sensible young man. It takes huge courage to chose a different path to that of your colleagues at the risk of being criticised. However, it would seem by their very own reactions of your successes, they may begin to realise there are alternatives with much longer lasting results and gains.

It is without a doubt you will see excellent results in your training with dedication and perseverance. I commend you.
Holy shit, all in sunnies, all wanna be zyzz, that pic is so fucking retarded

My faith in humanity takes another blow...
You do know he was an avid user of steroids dont you...? All his followers did. Hell, his brother even got done for the distribution of illigal substances.

He is the pin up boy for steroid use.... Though, now he is dead.

The use of steroids in teens has climbed dramatically.

ZZYZ has definitely been one of the reason for this, and they also take on some of his ridiculous characteristics.

Lex, WTF are you talking about, seriously?

Is prohibition of steroids working ?
Is there a better way to control use if the current ban isn't stopping people using them ?

Prohibition/banning of lots of other stuff didn't/hasn't worked.

It just pushes it underground/out of mainstream sight