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Fuck the $200 bars either buy the ABC or just buy the $80 -$100 cheapy oly bars. I got a cheapie that weighs 20kg not sure why they would be 17kg.

I know what your saying brick. I do own abc bar but Joe is not comfortable with forking out 500 for a bar at this point.
I know what your saying brick. I do own abc bar but Joe is not comfortable with forking out 500 for a bar at this point.

Yeah man you get where I am coming from though I don't think there is any middle of the range bar they are either crap or awesome. I think getting the $200 bar is just wasting $120 when he can get an $80 cheapie. There is heaps of threads that compain about those $200 bars been bent
Seems logical, $80 cheapy or ABC. I'm convinced, just gotta apply for the credit card and let the bank decide which one :P
No, that's a different knurl.....

They have big deep studs, the bars I own have small, deep studs.
^^ Thanks Sticky but I'd take you at your word anyway, only problem is cash. Damn barbells aren't cheap (even tho ABC are, sort of, when you consider the quality)

I'm looking at it but I just want a 20kg bar, I won't put enough weight on it to bend it for a while ..... What are the other options for 20kg bars? All I can find are $200 chinese jobs which make me lean towards ABC if I'm already outlaying a significant amount of cash.

Basically I'd prefer to go the cheapo route but $200 isnt cheapo, so I'm looking at ABC.

His bars are 17.2kg or something. I just want a 20kg bar to make things easy. I may opt for an $80 bar and add some washers or something... maybe...

Final quote came in at $486 delivered to sunny coast will chuck up some photos when it arrives. Also purchased some lock jaw collars pro on ebay for $50 and picking up some weight from gymgarage this weekend (very good price) all up for the bar delivered, pair of lock jaw pro collars and 110kg rubber coated oly weights for just under $800. Wish i just got a decent oly bar from the start because now i have to slowly convert all my plates over to oly size....
No, that's a different knurl.....

They have big deep studs, the bars I own have small, deep studs.

Ah ha, I thought you went for the sadistic knurl.
I snapped up a second hand bar with similar knurl, doesn't rip and tear but ripper grip.
Where are you located to get that price?

Did you ask for the same knurl as poster Sticky?

Sydney, Yes.. I asked for the knurling Sticky (cheers) recommended.. Feels great, so much easier to hold on to weight, after 6 weeks my hands are starting to get used to it :)
Getting excited bop220 got sent of yesterday, lock jaw pros rocked up the other day and picked up 130kg weight plates from gymgarage (great bloke to deal with by the way) the other day. Will put up pics once it arrives. By the way anyone got tips on how to get rid of the rubber smell from the rubber coated plates? i live in a 2 bedroom unit and the whole place stinks haha
Getting excited bop220 got sent of yesterday, lock jaw pros rocked up the other day and picked up 130kg weight plates from gymgarage (great bloke to deal with by the way) the other day. Will put up pics once it arrives. By the way anyone got tips on how to get rid of the rubber smell from the rubber coated plates? i live in a 2 bedroom unit and the whole place stinks haha

It'll go away after a week. It fucking stinks had my missus fuming good and proper.
Barbell finally rocked up. All I can say is I cant believe I ever used a shit one for so long lol. This bb is so much better fits in my rack better, feels solid and looks the goods. I also purchased rubber olly plates and lock jaw pros and the whole combination is awesome.
Got a BOP220 over here...

Yes it is Barbell Porn....

Yes I intend to use it for another 20 years...

Prolly have to pry the bastard out of my hands when I die... Not sure if Ill still be married then or where wifey will be... But god damn Ill still be holding this bar!!!
ABC make great stuff. The black bar is one of my favorite things.

Sentimentality I guess; my first set of dumbells was a rusty set of Australian Barbell Co threaded handles with the old blue metal 10lb plates. Handed down to me by my stepfather who still does a bit of resistance work in his 90's.