While I had a lamb burger from Mcdonalds on the weekend and while it wasn't that good tasting my question is why is that classed as shit food. Sure I am not saying eat it everyday but what makes it shit food.
The burger has just meat, salads, bun, cheese, egg and some sauces. None of them are bad foods but put them together in a burger and all of a sudden its classed as shit food.
Well, taste is subjective, in that I didn't think it tasted that bad.
The burger was full of salt, it did taste like lamb and rosemary, so I'll take it on faith that, that was all that is in it, this is the issue, for me.
The salad was some lettuce and onion and a slice of tinned beetroot
The bun was fluffy and sweet and soft, I'd think I'd need to eat maybe ten of those at best versus one slice of sourdough for nutrient value.
The egg was good, but I'd already had three that morning
A white flavored sauce, don't know it origin.
Tomato sauce?
Tomato? I can't recall.
When I'd finished the burger I felt like I needed to drink a bucket of water.
I suppose bazza20, for me, if it makes me feel like shit, then it is....
I love Greek lamb, of the gyro thingy, but that makes me feel like crud also.
But your right, whatever is eaten needs to be kept under control.
I was watching this couple in a car next to me, the girl was eating Cheetos, a big fuckin bag! Of Cheetos the bloke was going for his life, one mouthful after another, he couldn't get it in his pie hole fast enough.