New member
Visit centerlink or hop online & see what allowances you qualify for.
Plus you probably qualify for a health care card which makes medical visits & scripts dirt cheap (which helps low income peeps to no end.)
Plus live frugally. You don't need things with bells & whistles, they only break. Plus make moving harder the more crap you have.
I love how in the big cities you have those dump scab days where you put your your large items on the footpath. You can score some awesome shit.
Always ask yourself when shopping, is it a want or a true necessity.
If you move out, don't forget your mum. They are a treasure no matter how crazy they make you.
Good luck!
Plus you probably qualify for a health care card which makes medical visits & scripts dirt cheap (which helps low income peeps to no end.)
Plus live frugally. You don't need things with bells & whistles, they only break. Plus make moving harder the more crap you have.
I love how in the big cities you have those dump scab days where you put your your large items on the footpath. You can score some awesome shit.
Always ask yourself when shopping, is it a want or a true necessity.
If you move out, don't forget your mum. They are a treasure no matter how crazy they make you.
Good luck!