Acheivable? You have to be joking right. They may not look like massively inflated humans but Serge, Zane and Arnie are by far not acheivable naturally.
Aspiration and emulation are open to perception dave. The bodybuilders of old had physiques others who came after them, aspired to achieve and emulate.
No one can hope to achieve sameness, when genetically very different.
Jay Cutler and Kai Greene have those who aspire to be like them too - except the kids and men attempting to emulate them are running cycles to try and get anywhere near it.
Most natural bodybuilders I know, still have pictures and posters of Frank Zane and Steve Reeves as motivation. Not the modern day boys.
Thats all I was suggesting....
Jay Cutler and Kai Greene have those who aspire to be like them too - except the kids and men attempting to emulate them are running cycles to try and get anywhere near it.
Are you suggesting guys emulating Serge, Arnie or Dave Draper weren't going to get on the gear because they can achieve those physiques naturally.
I am not really following what you are getting at here Bella. None of the guys old or new had physiques you can attain naturally google George Hackenschmidt or Sigmend Klein that is the kind of physique you can aspire to if you have excellent genetics and are dedicated.
You didn't see big freaks before the late 1940's because after that is when test started to become freely available.
You show me a natural body builder and I'll show you a cheat.
That is a rubbish blanket comment.
I fully agree that there are very few truly natural 'champions'. But that doesn't mean there aren't any natural bodybuilders or natural competitors pin good form. My brother (shown below) is a perfect example of a natural BBer. 100% Natural (excepting generic supplements of course). No, it's definitely not a maintainable physique. But it was achieved naturally.
Show me the cheat.
So many people make so much money off everyone's quest to get big, so there is basically no chance of this happening. Also natural body building is a scam, 11 months on 1 month off for competition, then back on it. You show me a natural body builder and I'll show you a cheat.
That is a rubbish blanket comment.
I fully agree that there are very few truly natural 'champions'. But that doesn't mean there aren't any natural bodybuilders or natural competitors pin good form. My brother (shown below) is a perfect example of a natural BBer. 100% Natural (excepting generic supplements of course). No, it's definitely not a maintainable physique. But it was achieved naturally.
Show me the cheat.