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Jack3d to be banned in Australia? Stay away from DMAA?
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I've got 6 tubs of the stuff......
So I'm assuming they're taking it off the shelves at stores?
I don't usually mess with pre-workout but perhaps I should stock up on some...
This (as I've been saying). L-tyrosine and as much caffeine as needed = profits (both mentally and in the back pocket).This is gonna be a huge boost in sales for jack3d and all the other DMAA pre workouts. Everyone is going out and buying a lifetime supply of the shit.
If you have that much need for pre workout stims seriously just have some caffeine. Does anyone really believe that taking jack3d is going to have any significant long term benefit over caffeine or even stim free workouts to make it worth while.
If I was to start with the whole pre-workout thing I think I'd still not go and buy a cupboards worth of jack3d. More likely I'd buy a couple of the ingredients that places like bulk nutrients and no bull sell and see if that did anything (apart from make me puke, damn a lot of these things the body apparently likes taste bad... bcaa's for example).