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Proper use of squat Rack

Is it ok to overhead press in the squat rack?

  • Total voters
That sounds like a right fag to have to do with every rep

It's annoying which is why I don't do much cleaning at that gym...well any decent load.

I do tend to agree tho, you should be able to press what you can clean....it does matter tho lowering the weight.
the only reason you would press in a squat rack is if it was urs and no1 else used it or you didn't have enough room to press anywhere else. If you don't want to pick that much weight up off the ground then u don't deserve to press that amount either.
I powerclean a good 10kg above my best jerk so pressing is no problem lol
I use a rack anyway, it's not as if there is a cue in my gym for the rack..

Oh PB: Someone used it the other day for t-bar rows!!

How much are you cleaning? I guess that is irrelevant...All I mean is that the difference between putting down carefully a load 90%+ of your max is obviously more difficult than 50-60%. When commy gyms don't have bumpers or flooring not suitable to have loads dropped...its quite problematic. That is why when I sneak into a gym (outside of my wl club), I'll clean the weight...rack it on the power rack pins...unload some weight then lower.

I can see the issue if your doing oly lifts. I was thinking in terms of the weight I strict ohp for reps. If I was loading up the bar and push pressing it would be a problem to control it in the bottom of the clean when I put it down.
the only reason you would press in a squat rack is if it was urs and no1 else used it or you didn't have enough room to press anywhere else. If you don't want to pick that much weight up off the ground then u don't deserve to press that amount either.

What if you have a back injury or are too tight/fatigued from deadlifting the day before? What if you have a lot of forearm pain from doing heavy axle cleans and don't want the discomfort of cleaning the bar. What if you are really shit at cleaning? If you've got to the point where you are pressing more than your own bodyweight these factors become significant.

Heavy compound lifts are fine to do from the rack, that's what its there for, not just squats. Want to do incline bench but don't have a normal fixed bench? Put an adjustable bench in the rack and press away. Someone wants to squat? They can wait a little or fuck off.

I have a strongman in my gym who OH presses 130-140kg for reps. Go and tell him he can't lift out of the rack.
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I think it's ok, but i voted no....just so Tank Evil wasn't on his lonesome in the poll count. :D Onya for sticking to your guns mate.
It's been a long time since I've done any overhead pressing due to one of my shoulders bitching out on me, but back when I did them regularly I actually found I did better cleaning the weight and then doing a set of presses, as oppose to being in the squat rack and pressing in there. When in a gym where there's only 1 squat rack, I try to avoid doing things other than squats in the rack out of courtesy to other squatters, but if I see someone doing presses in the squat rack, I'm unlikely to think any less of them for it.
I agree with El Freako. OHP in rack is OK. A squat rack or cage is a very versatile piece of equipment and can be utilised for many types of lifts
Let us be open minded and honest with ourselves. How you define the picture below represents what it means to you.


Is it a squat cage or squat rack? power and strength cage? A compound movement zone? Or a clothes horse? It is possable that you define it as at least one of these examples. Once youce got that definiton, your perception is developed.
My gym the 2 squat racks rarely get used and when they do it's usually the same couple people so you know who will be waiting if they are there. I OH press in the rack though.

Was quite annoyed when I got told I couldn't use the rack when I got there by some scrawny Indian bloke doing dumbbell curls and then alternating with Olympic bar curls with 2.5kg weights on each side!!!
I prefer to doing my overhead presses in the power rack, though if someone asks me for its use and they want to squat I have no problem stepping aside.
What if you have a back injury or are too tight/fatigued from deadlifting the day before? What if you have a lot of forearm pain from doing heavy axle cleans and don't want the discomfort of cleaning the bar. What if you are really shit at cleaning? If you've got to the point where you are pressing more than your own bodyweight these factors become significant.

Heavy compound lifts are fine to do from the rack, that's what its there for, not just squats. Want to do incline bench but don't have a normal fixed bench? Put an adjustable bench in the rack and press away. Someone wants to squat? They can wait a little or fuck off.

I have a strongman in my gym who OH presses 130-140kg for reps. Go and tell him he can't lift out of the rack.
Then i would still go with what i have already said.
I lift at home. I do as I please. It is only me who has to pick after myself. BTW some of the home gyms I see here are way too clean for me.

If I paid $800 plus per year - I would do as I please. I would however remove plates after my use - that used to piss me me off.
I dont understand deadlifting in a cage as someone said, unless your doing rack pulls what do you need a cage for?

Also, I had a guy at a commercial gym wanting to clean in a cage and I wanted to squat. I politely pointed out that he can do that outside of the cage.

Curling I also dont understand.

Acceptable use of a cage is, rack pulls, squats, overheads, bench (if no bench available) etc.

Curls, deadlifts, cleans dont belong in a cage. Not to say they cant be done in a cage but I dont see the point.