New member
Hey guys im new to the forum and seeking some advice.
First of all im 26 years old, have been training for 5 years now and I am about to start my first cycle. TEST E 500mg a week.
I am currently training 3 days a week but with the introduction of AAS i thought id up the intensity a bit.
p.s i am bulking at the moment to around 500 calories over calorie maintenance, i weigh 87 kilos atm. Diet is clean, 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat......... diet constists of mainly Steak,Chicken,tuna, Rice, patatoes,Oats.
Plz give me your thoughts on this routine,
Monday: back,abs
Deadlift x 3 sets
Bent over barbell row x 1
Dumbell rows x 2
Chin ups x 2
Latpulldown x 1
Rope crunch x 2
Leg raise x 1
Wednesday: Chest,triceps
Dumbell or Barbell press x 2
Incline press x 2
Decline press x 2
Dips x 1
Skull crushers x 2
Rope pulldown x 1
Friday legs,calves
Squats x 3
Stiff legged deadlift x 2
Leg extension x 2
Leg curl x 2
Barbell seated calfraise x 2
Single leg calfraise x 2
Saturday: shoulders,biceps,forearms
Dumbell Military press x 2
Barbell Military press x 1
Side laterals x 2
Ez bar bicep curl x 2
Ez bar reverse curl x 2
Farmer walk x 1
If u think its shithouse let me know.
First of all im 26 years old, have been training for 5 years now and I am about to start my first cycle. TEST E 500mg a week.
I am currently training 3 days a week but with the introduction of AAS i thought id up the intensity a bit.
p.s i am bulking at the moment to around 500 calories over calorie maintenance, i weigh 87 kilos atm. Diet is clean, 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat......... diet constists of mainly Steak,Chicken,tuna, Rice, patatoes,Oats.
Plz give me your thoughts on this routine,
Monday: back,abs
Deadlift x 3 sets
Bent over barbell row x 1
Dumbell rows x 2
Chin ups x 2
Latpulldown x 1
Rope crunch x 2
Leg raise x 1
Wednesday: Chest,triceps
Dumbell or Barbell press x 2
Incline press x 2
Decline press x 2
Dips x 1
Skull crushers x 2
Rope pulldown x 1
Friday legs,calves
Squats x 3
Stiff legged deadlift x 2
Leg extension x 2
Leg curl x 2
Barbell seated calfraise x 2
Single leg calfraise x 2
Saturday: shoulders,biceps,forearms
Dumbell Military press x 2
Barbell Military press x 1
Side laterals x 2
Ez bar bicep curl x 2
Ez bar reverse curl x 2
Farmer walk x 1
If u think its shithouse let me know.