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People run out of things to say Jim.

I've seen many forums rise and fall people trying to be top dog....its just the way it is.
When a beginner joins the forum that's your queue to help and encourage, you're just as knowledgable as anyone else on any forum.

You can do it
i have better things to do than be top dog on any forum.

After coming home from the gym and having shown a person how to lift/diet for the 1000th plus time. Last thing i want to do on any forum i answer a

"how do i get dem abs" thread
"bicep curls thread"

i will help people if they show an interest in lifting but generally alot of people who fly by the night on forums only stick around for a month. Plus im Not getting paid for it.

Andy is right jim.. As u get grow as a lifter so does your knowledge base. your recent posts of late have shown you are acquiring the right tools to give advice and help out :)
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Fadi has hardly posted anything in like 6 months.
Sticky does but no where near like he used to.
Freako only posts about his gym or competitions coming up. As advertising really. Doesnt get involved in discussions or anything anymore.

Are you saying the forum as it is, is okay buddy?

Im not sure what you are getting at?

I get involved when a discussion interests me but as you've mentioned, a lot of the serious strength athletes have moved on and those discussions often occur elsewhere. I do post a lot of gym stuff out of promotion, but also just to maintain a presence on the site for the occasional discussion I do become involved in or advice I occasionally get asked for.
Well, this comes back to the question i asked a while ago; what is the purpose of a forum like this?

What is the purpose , the purpose is a place to talk with like minded people , i said this a long time ago , that when i first started Ausbb i never intended for it to be a hardcore bb'ing and nothing but bb'ing forum

I have been involved with forums for many years ever since i first got the interenet on 10+ years ago , i have seen many forums come and go , one's that have one topic group fall rather fast , people just don't want to talk about the one thing all the time

Take a look at many of the larger forums out there , a rather large Australian computer forums covers topics like photography, food, pets and animals
Take a look at many of the larger forums out there , a rather large Australian computer forums covers topics like photography, food, pets and animals

Overclockers.com.au has a forum for just about every topic you can think of bar underwater basket weaving and it's the largest computer forum in Aus if not the world.
There will always be people new to bb'ing/powerlifting/fitness etc, they will join and want to interact with the Dave's/trents/stickys/El freakos/joels/shreks and the lots more experienced members who frequent the site. It comes down to knowledge base and sharing, guidance, teaching & coaching and ensuring everything we have kearnt is passed on.

I once joined a forum and asked a question, the reply was "use the search function"...... I would have been better to google what I was after. A site like this has people competing to answer questions, regardless of if they have answered it a hundred times.
Overclockers.com.au has a forum for just about every topic you can think of bar underwater basket weaving and it's the largest computer forum in Aus if not the world.

exactly my point , why do they cover such a wide range of topics? Simple, it's because the members are interested in such a wide range of topics
fadi posted a month or so ago.. look at his recent posts
You seem to be talking for the other members without even knowing their situation?

Yes the forum has been off-topic posts, i think it just exploded when a certain member joined not long ago

Im not talking for other members, everything i have said is my opinion and mine alone. I do there are plenty of others that agree with me though which makes me think i do know their situation.

Again im not speaking for everyone, and i never claimed i was.

I get involved when a discussion interests me but as you've mentioned, a lot of the serious strength athletes have moved on and those discussions often occur elsewhere. I do post a lot of gym stuff out of promotion, but also just to maintain a presence on the site for the occasional discussion I do become involved in or advice I occasionally get asked for.

Oh hai


There hasnt been many interesting discussions of late, thats what im kinda getting at. Unless you are interested in attention seeking.

Anyways i honestly dont care anymore. Im going back to updating my journal and hiding away like the hermit i am. My post count needs a rest.
Im not talking for other members, everything i have said is my opinion and mine alone. I do there are plenty of others that agree with me though which makes me think i do know their situation.

Again im not speaking for everyone, and i never claimed i was.

Oh hai


There hasnt been many interesting discussions of late, thats what im kinda getting at. Unless you are interested in attention seeking.

Anyways i honestly dont care anymore. Im going back to updating my journal and hiding away like the hermit i am. My post count needs a rest.

yes i see what you are saying.

your post count needs a rest? i think mine does lol.
yes i see what you are saying.

your post count needs a rest? i think mine does lol.

Lately i have only been coming on here to update my journal due to all the crap, when i decided enough was enough and wanted to voice my opinion my post count spiked like a mofo.

exactly my point , why do they cover such a wide range of topics? Simple, it's because the members are interested in such a wide range of topics

Leave specialization to the insects.

Humans are not designed to specialize in one or two things.
Leave specialization to the insects.

Humans are not designed to specialize in one or two things.

Who said anything about specialize in all topics? Me personally i like to learn as much as i can about a varied of topics , things spark my interest from muscle building , radio and electronics to music and music production , cycling , fishing and gardening , business management

jack of all trades master of none, the human mind is able to comprehend a magnitude of information , it's the most powerful super computer out there

need to take the blinkers off and start looking around at your surrounds
Fadi never comes on here.
Sticky never comes on here.
Christian never comes on here.
Oli never comes on here.
El Freako never comes on here.
180sxkid never comes on here.
I hardly ever see max brenner.
NPR (Nick) never comes on here.
Trent only comes on here to spam as he mentioned.

Then we had a whole heap of guys in the Strength section that used to spark great discussions.

And that's just off the top of head.
No forum will ever retain 100% of members.

Funny you should mention Oli when he was the greates off topic poster constantly posting that stupid girl Boxxy and other crap in serious thread the very thing you are complaining about yet you miss Oli. Jim you can't have it both ways.
Fadi never comes on here.
Sticky never comes on here. http://ausbb.com/search.php?searchid=856033
Christian never comes on here.
Oli never comes on here.
El Freako never comes on here. http://ausbb.com/search.php?searchid=856021
180sxkid never comes on here.
I hardly ever see max brenner. http://ausbb.com/search.php?searchid=856031
NPR (Nick) never comes on here.
Trent only comes on here to spam as he mentioned.

Then we had a whole heap of guys in the Strength section that used to spark great discussions.

And that's just off the top of head.

a few of the guys that you say never come on here , actually do come on here as you can see by the links , no forum keeps its' members , members come and go
No forum will ever retain 100% of members.

Funny you should mention Oli when he was the greates off topic poster constantly posting that stupid girl Boxxy and other crap in serious thread the very thing you are complaining about yet you miss Oli. Jim you can't have it both ways.

I do miss Oli. He was/is a nice fellow. We are currently having a race with our fatloss on ProRaw Forum.

Although Oli used to post pictures of Boxxy, he also used to contribute to threads about training and diet. He ahd strong opinions about his training as well which i liked.

Anyways, like i said Shrek. I dont mind anymore.

Im going to keep my journal here and get my information from proraw. I do hope the forum returns to what it once was though.