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How not to diet...


A majority of us can all hand-on-heart say, that we have somehow attempted a fad diet, tried crash dieting or have even just plain starved ourselves!

What has been your worst attempt at dieting, how did it pan out and how did it make you feel during/after?

If there is one thing you have learnt "not to do" then please share:)

Mine personally was Tony Ferguson Meal replacement diet, I lost 16kgs in 3 months. Everyone was telling me how good I was looking and I kept going till finally crashing out at 58kgs. I did not exercise in this time! Within a year I put back on double the weight and had an uncontrollable appetite!

I also did a RedBull diet where I ate nothing, and when I felt like I was going to pass out, I'd have a Red bull, I lost 10kgs. When I joined the gym straight after this, it took 8 weeks for any difference to register on the scales due to muscle loss on such a shitty non existant diet....(don't judge me, secrets of a fat chick coming out and I have plenty!)
Please tell more secrets lol.

Personally I have never fad dieted.

I did go on an eat anything and as much as possible diet in trying to gain weight from 57 to 75 and it worked. :)
currently cutting out as much salt as possible and drinking shit loads of water to make weight for comp... first day is almost over, thank god
I have done very low carb and felt like shit and lost a heap of strength.

Also done the eat everything possible bulking diet. Was fun and worked.
A few years back I tried that lemon detox diet which lasted about 2 days before i almost passed out whilst driving.... headed straight to sofia's for a nice MASSIVE pasta

Never tried a fad diet at all. Surely you would have known the 'red bull diet' was going to be horse shit though... surely..
Never tried a fad diet at all. Surely you would have known the 'red bull diet' was going to be horse shit though... surely..
Well you don't want to know about the Cadbury Creme egg diet!
I really didn't know a thing about dieting! I was losing weight and that's all I cared!

Another good one was the "No fat diet", brekky was toast, daytime eating was fruit galore, dinner was a bowl of rice with sweet chilli sauce. No fat no worries!:eek::eek:
I was 24, no knowledge of nutrition!
There is a point to this thread:)
Just wait till 5 years pass and you wonder why you used diets like keto.

Did the velocity diet years back worked wonders in 2 weeks impossible to stay on it though.
I would say my most unsuccessful diet was the one where I just tried to eat less of things without tracking anything. Many new year resolutions made & none achieved until I started tracking.

I've tried low carb (not keto) & for me it wasn't too bad actually. But I definitely feel stronger now with a more balanced diet.

Also, used to believe a lot of bro science stuff re meal timing, protein maximums etc. I don't think these hindered anything diet wise, just added unecessary thinking to everything :P

My biggest downfall on my weight loss was initially not including strength training. Just cared about scale numbers. Hence, fat to skinny fat in 9 months :p
Keto diet for a year n 1/2 - not saying keto is bad...but I lowered everything to much towards the end of it and honestly still feel like Iam having affects from over-dieting over this time...I went from 123kg - 91kgs....

If I had my time over I would of carb cycled or even done short stints of keto combined with higher carb stints - i.e 3-4 weeks keto, 3-4 weeks higher carbs..cycle it like that...

And the worst thing I became use to feeling like shit and felt like it was the norm...not until I started to eat "normal" again is how much better I could feel...

I would never say to someone not to do keto..but only do it for the short term...
Someone should make a "how not too train" thread where we list bad workout routines we have attempted to follow lol

I cant really think of a bad training plan I have followed...honestly if your giving something 100% most things will work within reason...
Cabbage soup diet.... zero protein, water based..... omg I can feel my muscles shrinking thinking about it!
I did this once and lasted about 2 days. Made soup for a week lol