
Measurements - 35.5 inch waist, 14.9 inch arms, 15 inch calves, 11,8 inch forearms, 37 inch chest, 23.5 inch thighs.
2011 i have added 15kg, but probably 3-5kg of that was fat, so im hoping to get rid of some of that start of next year then lean bulk all the way through hopefully coming in around 82kg at 10% bodyfat next year.
2011 i ate too much food thinking it was the only way to bulk, but 2012 i will count calories and take it seriously.
My social life will probably suffer because im planning to be quite strict on nutrition and lifting. But theres prizes

I would like to thank Gym Direct, Bio Flex and Body Evolution for their generous prize and those prizes gives me motivation to train hard.
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