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Eating every hour

His metabolism would probably be so fast that he would spontaneously combust.

Reading some of your past posts - I understand now that you have no place to be giving advice or commenting on things you clearly know nothing about.
Reading some of your past posts - I understand now that you have no place to be giving advice or commenting on things you clearly know nothing about.

No worries bro. You just keep on with your unscientific advise to all the bros at the gym, I'm sure they buy into it. Cause you know, you are able to feel your metabolism working. I am sure with your massive wisdom from a huge couple years weight training, which surpasses our current medical knowledge it will serve them well.
No worries bro. You just keep on with your unscientific advise to all the bros at the gym, I'm sure they buy into it. Cause you know, you are able to feel your metabolism working. I am sure with your massive wisdom from a huge couple years weight training, which surpasses our current medical knowledge it will serve them well.

So your going to say that what ppl have done for 50-60 yrs is wrong?

Your saying 99% of bodybuilders are doing things they dont need to, to get into the shape they want to??
So your going to say that what ppl have done for 50-60 yrs is wrong?

Your saying 99% of bodybuilders are doing things they dont need to, to get into the shape they want to??

Lol. struggling again for an argument again and try and twist around what I am saying.

Were bodybuilders eating every hour 50-60 years ago??
No but they were eating 5,6,7,8 some of them ate 10 meals a day.

Do some research mate.

Again were is the evidence of this.

Where are the comparisons with 3 meals a day showing that 4, 5, 6, 10 a day is better.

Your just baseing this of hear say and gut feeling not actual evidence.
Look at every single top pro for the last 60 years and thats exidence enough lol.

If you did some research then you would know that the guys from the 40's,50's,60's were all about seeing what works best, how many meals worked best, what drugs worked best, what training worked best - what you see today is a results of trial and error from back in those days. Its not something someone just thought of one day.

You have to really do some research into where this is coming from and the understanding behind it.

Its not hear say or a gut feeling at all its what ppl have done for years and years to draw the best results from their bodies...

I have no idea how you dont understand this.
Look at every single top pro for the last 60 years and thats exidence enough lol.

If you did some research then you would know that the guys from the 40's,50's,60's were all about seeing what works best, how many meals worked best, what drugs worked best, what training worked best - what you see today is a results of trial and error from back in those days. Its not something someone just thought of one day.

You have to really do some research into where this is coming from and the understanding behind it.

Its not hear say or a gut feeling at all its what ppl have done for years and years to draw the best results from their bodies...

I have no idea how you dont understand this.

Please show us what you have read that leads you to this conclusion of yours?
Can we all just agree to disagree.

How about a drip feed so you have a constant supply of nutrients. :)
There is no evidence between meal frequency and metabolic rate, muscle gain or fat loss
Yes, lots of pro bodybuilders have a lot of meals a day, yes it works well, but so does everything else!
I find it annoying that people are still doing what Arnold and everyone else was doing in the 60's. Yates, Dante and others are starting to get the right idea now; basing their diet and training on actual scientific fact and studies instead of what others have been doing for years. Have you read Arnold's autobiography? He fucking winged it! He didn't have a clue what he was doing and admits that!

There are loads of studies that disprove the broscience that people have been saying in this thread:
Meal frequency and metabolic rate: Meal frequency and energy balance. [Br J Nutr. 1997] - PubMed result
Three meals a day is actually better for hunger control: The influence of higher protein intake and greater... [Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010] - PubMed result
It takes longer than 5 hours for amino acids to get from your food and into your bloodstream: Splanchnic and leg substrate exchange after ingest... [Diabetes. 1999] - PubMed result

Do I need to go on?
This thread has just gone down the drain.
He didn't force anyone to try this or say it is better than 3 meals or fasting or any other diet out there.

A person shouldn't be criticized for trying something out and finding out for themselves if it works or not. Who are we to judge, sitting behind a keyboard, whether or not it will work for Joel.

More people should be encouraged to try shit out for themselves and not base their arguments from a study. I have fallen to that trap in the past, basing arguments on studies, but its pointless.

Its the same arguments over and over, its gona turn into another a calorie is a calorie thread. What bothers me most is that some people in this thread that are saying it won't work, have previously asked for diet advice.
This thread went down hill because after 3 days on the diet you have joel saying how brotastic this diet is. How he can feel his metabolism working faster and after 3 days his muscles are harder. Now I have heard some bro science stories but that is up there with the best.
If Joel says it's working for him and he feels it working it is possible that it is.

That's not to say 4,5 or 6 meals would not have worked either.