Thanks for asking, Markos. I didn't do very well today, as planned. The cutting weight really fucked with my strength, and it didn't help that I've been sick for the last few days, due to some throat bug I got from a girl

Normally I'd just eat big and shrug it off after a day or so, but because of restricted diet for cutting weight, it just kept going and really killed my fitness.
Still, I managed to just edge out another guy (I think by 2.5 or 5kg) to get the bronze medal in the 83kg class with this 3rd deadlift attempt at 202.5kg (unofficial longest deadlift ever lol)
The 200kg 2nd attempt was similar at the start, but a bit faster up. Basically I only got the bar up to mid-shin, thought I'd quit there but somehow said fuck it I'd never give up, and kept it going. At the start, I couldn't even breathe as the throat bug meant not much air got to my chest. The support I received from people there was phenomenal. I think that's why I could fight the bar.
My total was only 452.5kg (SQ 157.5/165x/165x BP 92.5/95x/95x DL 192.5/200/202.5) but I still got PBs in bench, deadlift and total. Way lower than planned though... After the 1st squat, I knew I had nothing. Less than a week earlier, I was doing SQ 155 2x2 and bench (paused) at 92.5 2x2 easily. By the time the deadlifts came, I just wanted to lie down and sleep. Had zero energy left.
Learned so much about comp prep today though, including chewing gums and spitting in cups to make weight.

Next comp I'll compete at whatever bodyweight I'm at during training. I can't wait for that, am pretty fired up now!
I have videos of a titanic battle between Matt Middleton and Scott Hill in the 93kg, and will upload them tomorrow. Best one of the day.
Dave Jame squatting and deadlifting were major highlights. 270 SQ and 302.5 DL, both national records. He just missed 275 SQ and 307.5 DL. He'll get a bigger squat next Raw comp. He's just not used to raw squatting yet (never squatted raw more than 240kg in training).
Nathan Baxter was quite a showman. His banters with the judges were very enjoyable. Massive man, massive bench.
Dom Cadden, a 65kg lifter who looks like a pocket sized bodybuilder, totalled over 530kg. Insane.
Nghiep Luu at 68kg opened his deadlift at 240kg, and only because of a hand injury that he couldn't lift any higher. That's him just getting back to lifting, as his best was 240kg for 3x5 in training.
Dimi won best female lifter.
Jacinta Read is a 52kg class young female lifter who was very unlucky to bomb the squat on depth (not used to squatting raw). If she had that, she would have a 2xBW squat, 1.5xBW bench and over 2.5xBW deadlift. Someone to watch in the future.
Tudor (TGM) was there for 12 hours helping with videos, spotting and loading. Great guy!
Too many other awesome lifters and things to list here, and my brain is fried now. I'll post more tomorrow. A very well run competition!