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Getting sick too often


New member
I seem to be getting sick (flu and fevers) a whole lot more than normal people do. I do travel 15hours a week on public transport so I think that may play a part, but im not sure if the lifting of heavy things makes my body more susceptible to getting sick?

Im going to start taking multivitamins, the ones n00bs recommends.

But is there anything else you think could help have in my diet? Its pretty well rounded at the moment. A lot of milk, eggs, whey, tuna and a variety of vegetables. Dont eat lots and lots of red meat tho, but would that effect anything to make me susceptible to getting sick?
If its flu/colds, probably more fruit if your lacking that.
I don't know to much specifically but:

Vitamin C; so oranges, lemons, limes etc
Vitamin D; sun (no idea what else)

Multi vitamin should do alright for those.

Oh and of coarse sleep (easier said than done right?)
I seem to be getting sick (flu and fevers) a whole lot more than normal people do. I do travel 15hours a week on public transport so I think that may play a part, but im not sure if the lifting of heavy things makes my body more susceptible to getting sick?

Im going to start taking multivitamins, the ones n00bs recommends.

But is there anything else you think could help have in my diet? Its pretty well rounded at the moment. A lot of milk, eggs, whey, tuna and a variety of vegetables. Dont eat lots and lots of red meat tho, but would that effect anything to make me susceptible to getting sick?

While we can not odubt the germ theory. Why is it that there are many other commuters who catch the same train, are in contact with the same people for the same amount of time?

This part of the germ theory is fundamentally flawed... As for the prevelance of a disease condition to manifest it depends on 1 thing, you the host...

So these other people are not getting sick exposed to the same micro-organisms? Its time to look at you... Your lines of defence and why they are getting breached. What is causing your defences to become penetrable.

Power your immmune system... Over 70% is located in you gut. We know pathogenic bacteria in the gut can lower the immune system and trigger immune responses to certain foods if they are able to degrade the gut lining... Herbs spices and foods like garlic (if eaten fresh) are powerful antimicrobial bacterial agents that can helps destroy pathogenic bacteria in the gut.. They also have immune boosting properties... So does starting the day with a bowel of oats can be a good idea...Effects of beta-glucans on the immune system. [Medicina (Kaunas). 2007] - PubMed result

A good multi as you already said buy some vitamin C with bioflavanoids.. Eat zinc containing foods... Green leafy vegetables contianing sulfar and phytochemicals such as diindoylmethane, also contain Vit c magnesium and lots of other good things.. Eat it daily (cook it well however)

Nutrients that have been demonstrated (in either animal or human studies) to be required for the immune system to function efficiently include essential amino acids, the essential fatty acid linoleic acid, vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, Zn, Cu, Fe and Se. Practically all forms of immunity may be affected by deficiencies in one or more of these nutrients. Animal and human studies have demonstrated that adding the deficient nutrient back to the diet can restore immune function and resistance to infection. Among the nutrients studied most in this regard are vitamin E and Zn. Increasing intakes of some nutrients above habitual and recommended levels can enhance some aspects of immune function. There is increasing evidence that probiotic bacteria improve host immune function

The immune system: a target for functional foods?
British Journal of Nutrition

Foot Notes and reccomendations:

Extra Vitamin c with bioflavanoids
Multi species Probiotics daily
Fresh garlic
Eat fermented foods
Decrease sugar consumption (has been shown to reduce immune function by 50%)
Reduce stress ( excess cortisol is immunosupressive)
Move! Moving increase the lymphatic system
VITAMIN D! SUpplement!
Cheers Noobs, another interesting post (i enjoy the journals).

Pretty sure theres some sorts of food that have vitamin D in them, what where they?

Also weird question, hope you don't mind me asking, what you do a for a living lol?

How much sleep you getting a night hakea?
I was taking antibiotic cycles every few weeks before I knew anything about health (about 6-7 in 6months)...

I started taking 10-15grams of vitamin C a day for about 3 months...

I haven't had a cold or tonsillitis in about 2yrs since.

Just get vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and vitamin D3 as said above.
I had the flu 4 times last year (twice in July), and it was bad enough to make me stay in bed for at least couple of days. This wasn't normal at all for me.

I tried lots of things, increased vitamins, changed programs, more milk, more whey, more food.

Then I stopped drinking milk and whey and haven't been sick at all since July 2010.

I still don't know if it was the milk or the whey.
I get about 6hrs a night. I always wake up inbetween n have trouble getting back to sleep. Although i prob dont enough fruit i do drink lots of juice. At least a glass or two a day. Ill try eating more fruit, take multi vitamin and fix my sleep up.
With soap, rub vigorously.

Vitamins do jack shit, they might reduce the severity, might.
Do I have to be your father as well?
Many, many clinical tests have shown the best vitamin for colds and such is C and at best it can reduce the severity and longevity of a cold.

Of course, if you are deficient in parts of your diet, then your defences can be a bit lower and let more stuff in.

I'm with AndyBack on this one. Sing happy birthday while washing your hands with soap and do it often.

My favourite cold / sore throat remedy is hot water, slices of fresh ginger, teaspoon of honey. Drink as strong as you can stand it. Throw some cinnamon stick in there too to change it up a bit.
People take the hand washing thing to far. Can actually cause more harm than good in young kids.

They do, but if you stick your finger in you mouth, pick your nose or rub your eyes with dirty hands, after leaving the toilet or crowded train, vitamins or a lack of sleep will not stop the virus.