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Why aren't Asians fat?



where did u find that childhood pic of me hulk?
Head to a shopping mall on a Saturday in any multicural suburb with a good amount of Asians and check out which are fatter. If anyone can show me evidence that they found more fat Asians than Westerners then I'll serve them complimentary yum-cha for a week wearing a different lace teddy each day. Shiiiiit, that doesn't sound too bad come to think of it.
Head to a shopping mall on a Saturday in any multicural suburb with a good amount of Asians and check out which are fatter. If anyone can show me evidence that they found more fat Asians than Westerners then I'll serve them complimentary yum-cha for a week wearing a different lace teddy each day. Shiiiiit, that doesn't sound too bad come to think of it.

You need to think before you post big fella

Now go to a fast food mall in Asia and see if there are more fat whites than Asians.

You know you live in Australia, right?

The only muscular Asian client I have ever had is Kelly.

Does that mean there are no muscular Asians?

Of course not.
That's why I said "good amount of Asians". I meant a fair spread to make a fair comparison. My local shops have around 75% Asians.
At one of my gyms we get a lot of Indians come in. Most of them look about 5 months pregnant. Problem is, they're male.

It's like John said, lifestyle. And like moons said, lots of skinny-fat ones. Saw some Japanese girls in the supermarket today, arms like matchsticks, legs where the knee was wider than the thigh... but they jiggled.

Last time we went to the beach on a sunny day, I looked around. Truth be told, most people didn't have too much fat, they had too little muscle. And that was regardless of their ethnic background, Anglos, Chinese, Indians, Greeks, didn't matter. Melt away the fat and we had a beachful of Pee Wee Hermans.
Australia is the second fattest country in the world.

Nuff said.

The majority of work done in Australia involves sitting. This is not the case in most south east Asian countries.

I see fat white people everywhere in Brisbane. This was not the case when I was in Thailand. Simple observation.
Most Asians are pissweak and muscleless, thats the observation at my gym, must be right.

i would have to agree with you on that markos :)
About the asians being piss weak and muscless in general that is lol
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Most Asians are pissweak and muscleless, thats the observation at my gym, must be right.

The threads called "why aren't asians fat" not "why are asians weak and small"

You didn't have anything to say about Australia being the fattest country in the world. Asian lifestyle is much more active then Australians. On a whole they do not eat much protein because meat is expensive. The portions of meat are tiny. Vegetables and rice make up 70-80% of most meals. And as a race of people they are generally small.
At one of my gyms we get a lot of Indians come in. Most of them look about 5 months pregnant. Problem is, they're male.

It's like John said, lifestyle. And like moons said, lots of skinny-fat ones. Saw some Japanese girls in the supermarket today, arms like matchsticks, legs where the knee was wider than the thigh... but they jiggled.

Last time we went to the beach on a sunny day, I looked around. Truth be told, most people didn't have too much fat, they had too little muscle. And that was regardless of their ethnic background, Anglos, Chinese, Indians, Greeks, didn't matter. Melt away the fat and we had a beachful of Pee Wee Hermans.

Well said kyle. A lot of the so called skinny/slim asians are just skinny fat. look slim/good in clothes, but remove the clothes and theres no definition whatsoever.
Interestingly,when I visited the Chinese countryside, I didn't see a single fat person. Farmers in China do most of their work by manual labor, machines are rare. I go to down town China where most of the affluent/white collar people live and I see fat people everywhere I go.
That's called poverty, John. Only in the West are poor people overweight. Everywhere else, being poor means you go hungry.
That's called poverty, John. Only in the West are poor people overweight. Everywhere else, being poor means you go hungry.

Just because someone doesn't have a laptop, television, lawnmower or microwave to heat up dinner, doesn't mean they live in poverty. John's point was their lifestyle is much more active.
He mentioned Chinese farmers. Most of these will be subsistence farmers. That is, everything they eat is something their grow, or their neighbours grew and they traded for. If they're lucky they've a small surplus they can sell and get some cash.

Considering that a tonne of grain feeds 3 people for a year, that they will typically own 1-2ha of land, and they get 1-2t grain per hectare, and that the international price of grain is not high, eg ~$300/t for rice, well... 1-2t to feed your family, leaves 0-3t to sell each year... this is why we find that the typical Chinese farmer's income is around $700 annually.

Nobody's getting fat on that.

In the West, "poverty" means you live on fish and chips and burgers. In the Third World, "poverty" means that sometimes, at least, you go hungry. Thus, poor Westerners are fat, and poor Third Worlders are skinny.
At the UN’s World Summit on Social Development, the ‘Copenhagen Declaration’ described poverty as “…a condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information.” When people are unable to eat, go to school, or have any access to health care, then they can be considered to be in poverty, regardless of their income.
I stumbled across a site the other day that had in interesting breakdown of avg. macros consumed in USA vs China. I can't find it now but the gist of it was:
China consumed more cals
China consumed more carbs
China consumed more fibre
Protein intake was similar
USA had higher saturated fat.

Damn, wish I could find that link.

Also, I worked in Japan for 6 months and I was amazed at how much they eat. Real example here: I was 72kg at the time and doing a waiter/cleaner type job and there were 2 16 year old Japanese people working with me. One male and one female. I had been counting cals before going to Japan and knew pretty much my maintenance level. The girl (about 50kg maybe) was eating about 1.5 times as much as me and the guy (60kg?) about twice as much. I wasn't eating a small amount either. We were provided with meals so that is how I know this.
I was pissed off with my endo genetics at this point in time :P Of course, sample size of 2 isn't the greatest for generalisations either :)
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