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STFU i want guns...

You want to move more weight with acceptable form.
If your form is bad obviously injuries come into play, and if you're doing bicep curls by swinging through your hips they're doing the work, not your arms.
Fadi mentioned something in one of his pearls of wisdom about 'flushing' the muscle on off days with high rep (50+) sets
Unless you're doing a front raise at the same time I'm not sure if I see how that works . . .
Try another form of curl perhaps?
noobs i think you can 'cheat' a little on the positive, but really have a controlled negative phase.. tell me how you feel after having a spotter help you lift 50kgs on a bar and then lower it taking 4-5 seconds. they will be ruined. dorian claims , this is the best way to build biceps.
noobs i think you can 'cheat' a little on the positive, but really have a controlled negative phase.. tell me how you feel after having a spotter help you lift 50kgs on a bar and then lower it taking 4-5 seconds. they will be ruined. dorian claims , this is the best way to build biceps.

Dorian would be big from mowing lawns.

I think the best way is to chase the pump. Keep the elbows locked, focus on form, high reps. Same thing for tris.
that was just the first number that came to my head. lets revise and say 80kg's , my point being your muscles are strongest in the negative phase, you probably wont be able to curl it but you would be more than likely able to lower it.
I'll often include negative accentuated movements, with great results.
as jchen has stated you can use a training partner to assist, if you are on your own you can do this.

At the end of a set of curls where you have fully fatigued the biceps and you are unable to move the bar you can use momentum of your upper body to raise the bar, once at the top slowly lower the bar (10seconds) then repeat, do as many as you can.
This method has enabled me to push through a sticking point in an exercise.

Dig your elbows into your body to keep shoulder movement to a minimum, through the entire exercise do not rest at the top or the bottom of the movement, maintaining constant tension throughout the set including the negatives.
Negative training is quite brutal, done properly will result in more muscle soreness that a conventional rep.
If you can do over four controlled negatives that is a superlative effort.
Against conventional wisdom, pre-exhaust your triceps before doing any bicep work. The tri is a bigger muscle and has 3 heads compared to the bicep which is smaller and only has 2 heads. Bigger tri's will give your arm a fuller and rounded appearance.
Currently 108kg with 15" arms... No chance

do you mean flexed? if so, then yeah dude, you should probably do some direct arm work as they clearly aren't growing enough from deads/squats/chins/bench alone.

Yea def need to start pumping the guns

Im 105kg 18 1/2 - 19 inch puppies

Damn dude, thats pretty decent. Flexed, unpumped yeah?

I dont have much fat in my arms its all abdominal..

And its the size.. If i can get them the size of my calves i will be happy.

Lol, if i could get my calves to keep up with my arms, i'd be happy!

I have to admit that I do t really train bi's that frequency.. On e a weak if I can be bothered but bi training gives me wrist and forearm pain. When I out the bar don't I have to hold onto it and slowly release other wise I get this pain in my forearms it's weird..

I get this pain too, it comes and goes. Glad to know i'm not the only one...

I only have 17.5" arms but try out the reverse curls.

Only? Mine are a touch over 17" flexed and i consider them pretty big lol

If you need a spotter for 50kg curls, there's your problem. Simple strength progression, get stronger at curling = Bigger Arms. Same deal with Skull Crushers.

i haven't done BB curls in a long time (not properly anyway), but always found it VERY hard to increase the weight. it just seemed like every time i increased the weight, i would just use worse technique to move the weight...

that was just the first number that came to my head. lets revise and say 80kg's , my point being your muscles are strongest in the negative phase, you probably wont be able to curl it but you would be more than likely able to lower it.

jesus, who does 80kgs curls?? i haven't done them for a while, but i struggle to do 17.5kgs on each side with strict form and the bar wouldn't be more than 10-15kgs, so thats 50kgs at the heaviest lol
Man you all are making me small. 13 inch arms at 72kgs at 171cm lol.

Just curl brah.
haha pistachio, it was merely a number because iron alliance was whinging about the first one. my arms are pretty much the same as you pistachio 17 1/3" flexed. interesting to see how big they really after after i cut.
LMD, mine were 11.5" back in the day when i was in the 60kgs. They'll grow, don't worry! I always said back then i wanted 18" guns, should get there this year i'd say

What are your stats jchen? (height/weight) i remember you saying you were around 20-25%bf somewhere.

Do you still have veins in your upper arms at that bodyfat?
Out of curiosity i just measured mine at about 13"
Can't remember the last time I did a curl though . . .
Most of the little amount of size I've put on has been hips and shoulders which is fine by me!