New member
I had the worst eating/drinking/drug habits out of everybody. Period.
I never ate veggies as a kid, my parents and siblings STILL don't.
One day, I woke up to myself and realized the reason my body was falling apart was because of the crap I was putting into it.
Im 23, how old is your "nurse" friend? What you eat today will effect what happens to you tomorrow.
I still go out to pubs/partys with my mates. They have NO influene on what i eat or drink. To say that they do is just weak.
You are your own person, and you decide what goes into your mouth. Everybody needs to realize that you can "eat what you want" but their will be a price.
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Yes I know their CAN be a price depending on how long it goes for. My Mum friend got breast cancer and she correctly changed her eating habits and didn't get chemo but had radiation therapy, it disappeared.
Then some people eat so well and end up with a brain temor and drop dead.
I guess most things can be reversed
Nurse is the same age as you