Active member

Hey everyone.
Now that the nats are done with, its time to look forward to the next comp. For us Brisbane guys, this is the "National Big Bench in Paradise" comp.
It will be RAW and Equipt, with NO need for qualifying total to enter. Its also open to the general public, not just CAPO members. However, anybody that enters must wear a soft suit. Ive seen them going for as little as $35 on some site, Im sure you can find the money

Jeff mentioned that a few people from Victoria will be coming up, so it sounds like it should be a good sized comp.
Name : CAPO's ‘National Big Bench in Paradise’
Date: Saturday October 23rd,
Venue: Healthworks West End, 33 Vulture St, West End, Brisbane
Time: Lifting Starts at 1pm, Weigh ins at 10am-12pm
Cost: $35 for CAPO members, $50 for non members.
Also, all entry forms need to be in by Friday October 8th, download a generic entry form from the Capo website, fill it out and post your entry fees and completed forms to:
PO BOX 187
Qld 4064
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